Prom (EmilyxStiles)

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"Emily c'mon, Prom is in three weeks! You have got to buy a dress! I already bought your ticket, so you can't say you won't go with me. You've got no choice" Lydia smirked at me as she held out a few dress choices in front of me.

"Lydia no, please don't make me go. I have nobody to go with!" I said sadly as I looked down, twiddling my thumbs. "I know who you can go with" she said smugly. My head snapped up to look at her, "What? Wh- who?" I asked, nervous.

"Him" she said, turning me around and pointing to someone in front of me, and that someone turned out to be Stiles Stilinski. My crush, "Lydia I- I've barely ever said two words to him. And when I do, I'm just a blushing, stuttering mess"

Lydia didn't get a chance to reply as Stiles had walked over, "Hey girls, what's up? You here shopping for dresses?" He asked as he drapes his arms over mine and Lydia's shoulders.

"I've already got mine, but we're here dress shopping for Emily, as well as date shopping" Lydia said, a smirk on her face. I looked over at her, "don't you dare" I mouthed over to her.

She simply smirked wider, but kept her mouth shut, "Oh really? You- you don't have a date? Well that's too bad, but I'm sure that you'll find one soon" Stiles smiled as he squeezed my shoulders gently.

I smiled as I nodded, not trusting my words around him, he said goodbye and walked away, "Thank you for not saying anything Lydia" I said as I picked up a dress.

"Hey don't thank me. You should thank this dress" she said slowly as she took the dress from my hands and passed me another one. "Why....?" I asked slowly, "Well isn't it obvious?" She asked before laughing. "This dress, will get you something from that boy" she points to Stiles, "At Prom"


"Good morning Emily!" I heard someone say as they shook me gently awake. I opened my eyes, only to see Lydia sat on the edge of my bed, still in her pyjamas, obviously she'd only just woken up.

"Lydia it's 10am, can I not have another hours sleep?" I asked, already knowing the answer. "Oh god no. No. We have to go and get our nails done!" She said excitedly as she clapped her hands together. "Great" I muttered sarcastically to myself.

I got dressed and ten minutes later, Lydia was dragging me out the door and towards her car. "Get in! We're gonna be late!" She screeched, making me jump and quickly get into the car.

"Okay, so what colour would you like for your nails?" The lady asked as we sat at her desk thingy. "Uhh well my dress is like a light red, with lace at the top" I told the lady what my dress looks like. (*points down* although if you can't see it, *points up to the media bit*)

 (*points down* although if you can't see it, *points up to the media bit*)

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