Confrontation (JuliannaxScott)

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Part 2 for "Torture" if you have not read that imagine yet, I really do suggest that you

"You're saying Allison, Allison Argent, my best frien-" Lydia started when I cut her off "Kidnapped me and tortured me because she wants to go out with Scott" I stated as I got up off the couch and grabbed a drink from the kitchen.

"My best frie-" "YES LYDIA! Your best friend!" I yelled from the kitchen into the living room. "Hey baby, it's okay," Scott said as he walked up to me and wrapped me up in a hug. "I love you, Scott" I whispered as I hid my face in his chest, "I love you too baby, do you think maybe we should go and talk it out with Allison?" he whispered in my ear.

As soon as those words left his mouth my heart skipped a beat, what if Allison and her aunt Kate beat Scott and take me back to that room, what if this time they actually kill me?

All these thoughts ran through my head until Scott pulled away from the hug and held my face gently in his hands, "Hey hey, baby, it will be okay, nothing's gonna happen to you, not while I'm around, I promise" I nodded as I tried to stop the thoughts when Lydia said "I'll drive you if you want?"

"Yeah, please Lydia," Scott said as he took my hand and followed Lydia outside to her car, we both got in the backseat as Lydia hopped into the drivers seat and started the ignition, "It'll be okay" Scott whispered in my ear again and I slowly nodded in reply.

The whole ride there was altogether silent, Scott was holding my hand and squeezing it gently from time to time, I was staring out the window, concentrating on the wildlife outside in an attempt to calm my nerves, and Lydia was concentrating on driving, although I noticed she stole a few glances through her rearview mirror, checking up on me.

When we got there Lydia pulled up on the side of the road, "Thanks, Lydia" Scott smiled as I slowly opened the door to get out, "I'll wait here for you Julianna" Lydia said as she turned around in her seat to look at me properly. I looked up at her to see a small smile on her face, I smiled back and nodded quickly before getting out and meeting Scott at the front of the car.

"Ready?" He asked me as we walked up to the front door, "I don't really have a choice" I muttered as I knocked on the door, Scott looked as though he was about to reply but the door was opened. We both looked up to see Allisons mom stood there, coat on and purse in hand, "Can I help you two?" She asked nicely, "Yeah, is Allison in? We'd like to have a word with her if that's alright?" Scott asked just as nicely, although I could see the fear in his eyes.

"She's up in her room, I could call her down or you could go straight up there?" She offered as she stepped out of the way, allowing us to step into the house, "We'll go straight up" Scott answered as he squeezed my hand reassuringly. I swallowed hard and smiled at Mrs. Argent as she glanced over at me worriedly, "Are you alright?" She asked me and I nodded before speaking "Uh yeah, yeah I'm fine" I smiled at her.

"Alright well, I'm heading out, so it'll just be you three here, can you tell Allison I said goodbye and I'll see her later," She told us as she walked out of the door, closing it slowly behind her. "C'mon, we should just get this over with" I whispered as I pulled Scott towards the stairs, "You're right, let's go"

*knock knock* "Come in mom" Allisons voice flowed through her room to the open door, hesitantly Scott stepped in and I followed after him, our hands still joined. "Allison" at the sound of Scott's voice her head shot straight up from the book she was reading.

"Scott? Julianna? What are you doing here?" She asked coldly, glaring at me, "We came to talk about what happened, I don't want any tension in my pack, and I need you both in my pack" Scott explained as he let go of my hand and walked over to the window.

He shut it, but not before I saw the nod he sent to Lydia who was still sat in her car, "Why do we need to talk about it, though? Scott, I love you, that's all you need to know. She's not worth your love or your time. You deserve me, you need me. You know you do" she said seductively as she walked over to where Scott was still stood at the window, I watched as she looped her fingers through his belt loops and pulled his body into hers.

"OKAY! That's more than enough. We need to talk about it, not show it" I yelled at Allison who simply turned around and gave me a glare, although, if looks could kill, she'd be dead a hundred times over.

"I think we should just sit down and keep calm, let's not lash out" Scott said as he gestured for Allison to sit back on her bed while he took the desk chair, leaving me to sit on the bed with Allison.

"I want to know, why you did it" Scott said calmly as he looked Allison dead in the eye. "I told y-" Allison was cut off "I want the truth, and I want to hear it again"

"Scott, I love you, okay? And Julianna I- she's in my way, she took you away from me, so I thought, if she wasn't here anymore, you and me could carry on with what we had before she came into the picture" Allison said as she kept eye contact with Scott.

"Allison, we've always been friends, and we always would have only been friends. I'm sorry I- I only love you as a friend, nothing more. I love Julianna and I'm really happy with her" Scott said as he reached over to hold Allison's hand.

He looked over to me and smiled, letting me know with his eyes that he was only comforting her. I nodded at him and he let his eyes drift back to Allison.

"Do you think maybe you could at least try and get along with Julianna?" Scott asked her, she slowly nodded and then took her hand from Scotts.

"Julianna" Allison started as she took a hold of my hand and stood up, pulling me up with her. "Julianna, I am so so sorry" she said as she held both my hands while we looked into each others eyes.

"I was so caught up in the idea of me and Scott, that I didn't realise how happy he is with you. I'm sorry, and I hope that you can forgive me one day, I'm not asking you to forgive me now, because I know that I will have to earn both your trust and your forgiveness. You are an exceptional girl and Scott is so so lucky to have you, and I am so so so sorry that I ever tried to sabotage your relationship"

"Oh my god, Allison" I whispered as a tear fell down my cheek, I could see in her eyes that she was being truthful and her heart never once skipped or sped up, she is definitely telling the truth.

"Allison, I am already starting to forgive you, I don't trust you yet, but I do forgive you a little bit. Thank you for apologising, I know that must have been really hard for you" I smiled at her as I squeezed her hands gently.

"Maybe soon we can be friends" I chuckled as I pulled her in for a quick hug, "I'd like that" she whispered before I pulled away and walked over to Scott.

"Thank you Allison" Scott said.

"I just want you to believe me when I say this Julianna, when I say that you deserve Scott McCall, there is no higher compliment that I could give you" Allison smiled at me.

I don't know how to end this, but yeah. There is a BBC Sherlock quote in there, and if you find it, please comment and tell meee so I may write you an imagine, be it personal or dedication.

mysticalhorse_R5girl here is your part 2! Hope you like it, if not I'll rewrite it for you. Love you all, see ya later xxx

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