Deucalion's daughter (DaphnexStiles)

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Another day of school, another day of hiding who I really am from the wrong people. My name's Daphne, I'm Deucalion's daughter, yes that 'blind' wolf who kills anyone and anything. Trust me though, I'm nothing like my dad.

"Would you like a ride to school? I'm sure Kali wouldn't mind driving you" my dad said as I walked towards the front door, slipping my bag onto my shoulder. "No thanks" I looked over at them in the kitchen before I made eye contact with Kali and said "I'd rather eat wolfsbane" and walked out hearing Kali growling and my dad telling her to stop as he laughed.

*time skip to school*

"Daphne!" I turned my head to see my friends Emily and Velma calling me over to them as they waved their hands wildly in the air. "Hey guys" I chuckled as I sat with them, "It was Deucalion and Kali, the twins weren't there" I listened to someone else, turning my head to find this so called 'True Alpha' Scott McCall my dad told me about.

"What did they do?" Scott questioned his infamously hot best friend Stiles, I must admit I have a slight crush on him. "Why don't you go over and talk to him" I turned around as Emily giggled. "I can't, he's way outta my league" I shook my head.

"Stiles? Hello?" I turned once more to find Stiles staring at me, seemingly in a daydream and Scott trying to get him out of it. "Yeah?" Stiles asked as he slowly turned to Scott again, "I said, I know where he lives, we can go and confront him about it. Apparently he found his long lost daughter a little while ago"

"Scott, how you do you even know this? Do you send each other little Wolfie love notes when something important happens?" Stiles said, I'm not sure if I've ever heard anyone say something do sarcastic before. "Whatever Stiles, I'll meet you at the Jeep after school"

*time skips to about two hours after school*

"Well hello, welcome to my humble abode" I heard my dad say, confused as to who it was, I crept out of my room, leaving up wattpad on my laptop. I walked downstairs to find my dad and Kali stood together talking to none other than Scott and Stiles.

"I believe you may have already met my daughter Daphne, I wish I could say she's a spitting image of me but, well, she's more like her mother. Couldn't hurt a fly"

"Daphne?" Stiles asked in disbelief, I could see the hurt in his eyes. I was about to say something when Scott said "Deucalion, we had a deal. I let you live, you leave me and my friends alone" I shook my head, of course my dad wouldn't keep to that agreement.

"I'm sorry? By all my knowledge I have done nothing to harm any of you" my dad said, "Then explain how Stiles got these, and saw you and Kali" Scott lifted Stiles' top to show a set of three scratches, all along his side and stomach.

"Kali, do you know anything about this?" Kali shook her head as she laughed, "Thank you for bringing him here, maybe now I can finish the job" Kali lifted her hand, claws at the ready. Before she could swing, Scott had stepped in her way, they swung at each other for a few minutes before Kalu got bored, throwing Scott against the wall.

"Kali!" I yelled as I stood in front of her, blocking her swing for Stiles, "You're a bitch, I've been waiting for a reason to fight you. I think protecting the people I care about is a good enough reason" I swung my claws at her, scratching her cheek and splattering blood on the floor.

"Kali, that's enough. You do not touch Daphne" Kali growled at me before she turned away and stood behind my dad. "Pussy bitch" I muttered under my breath as I helped Scott up and walked with him and Stiles out the door.

"I'm really sorry about Kali" I apologised as we stood at the Jeep. "I thought you would have been just like your dad, and I guess I was wrong. I'm sorry" Scott told me.

I laughed, "He wasn't lying. I'm more like my mother, if she hasn't of died, I never would have seen him again" Scott smiled at me "Maybe we could be friends?" I nodded excitedly, "I'd love that" he got into the Jeep, leaving me and Stiles alone.

"I'm really sorry about Kali scratching you like that, trust me I'll-" Stiles cut off my words by pressing his lips onto mine softly. "Go out with me?" He asked as he pulled back enough to talk, I felt his breath fan over my lips. I nodded as he kissed me again before walking over to the Jeep door.

"See you tomorrow" he smiled before I walked back into my house as he drove off. Right, let's sort out Kali.

GUYS!! HELLO!! I HAVE MISSED YOU! It's been like a day, but I've missed you. Happy bank holiday Monday to those of you who have a bank holiday today.

Okay um, DaphneBienAim this is your request, I hope you like it, if not I'll rewrite it for you!!

I love y'all my little penguins!! I'll see ya later *salutes* xxxxx

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