Not scared (TorixScott)

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"Dude, she's my cousin. Basically my sister. If you break her heart, I'll break your little werewolf neck" Stiles said to me when I told him I'm dating Tori. "I promise you, you won't need to break anything" I laughed as I looked over at her, she was at her locker on the opposite side of the hall, getting out her books and talking to Allison and Lydia.

God, "I think I love her" I thought to myself. "WhAT" Stiles nearly yelled at me, attracting the attention of the three girls and also the attention of about ten people who were walking past at the time, "Come with me" he muttered as he dragged me, by my ear, towards the locker room and kicked everyone out.

"DUDE! Last time you said you loved someone, they fucking found out you were a werewolf! I don't know how well Tori would take it" Stiles said, which confused me until it hit me. "I said it out loud didn't I"

"What? No, no of course not" Stiles said with his usual amount of sarcasm. "Stiles, I swear that she will not find out. I've gotten better with the whole control on the full moon thing"

"Yeah, but what- what if something happens while you're with her. Like a supernatural creature jumps out and starts attacking you both, or you suddenly lose control. Scott, you're control isn't definite" Stiles said as he talked with his hands, as always.

"I'm sure I'll be fine. I'll look after her and she won't know what I am"

*time skip*
*Toris POV*

"So tonight's the full moon" I smiled as I sat next to Scott, "Yep," he said kind of uncomfortably. "I was thinking maybe we could go to the meadow and stargaze?" I asked hopefully.

Scott looked at me, a serious look on his face that told me he was about to say no when he said: "Aren't you scared of wolves finding us?" With a laugh at the end and a huge smile breaking out onto his face. "I think we'll be alright" I giggled as I took a slice of his pizza, "Hey!" He protested as I took a bite, "No fair" he pouted but smiled again once I pecked his cheek.

*TIME SKIP AGAIN. I'M SORRY OKay, please don't eat me*

"It's just a little further Tori" Scott said as he glanced back at me trailing behind him. "Y'know I forgot how far it was. If I remembered I wouldn't have suggested this frickin meadow" I panted, leaning down and placing my hands on my knees while I took deep breaths.

When I looked back up Scott was directly in front of me, when he was about three feet ahead of me not even four seconds ago.

"What are you-" I cut myself off when Scott turned around and crouched down slightly. I sighed to myself before jumping on his back and wrapped my arms loosely around his neck, so as not to strangle him.

A few minutes later Scott said "We're here" and then about twenty seconds later we walked out into the meadow after Scott had put me down again.

"It's just as beautiful as I remember it" I sighed contently. "But only half as beautiful as you" Scott smirked as he came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist, resting his chin on my shoulder.

"Cheesy. But I'll take it" I laughed and Scott fake gasped in my ear, "How dare you!" He said, and I could practically hear the smile in his voice.

"You'll pay for that!" He nearly yelled in the quiet forest as he pulled me down so I landed on top of him and then he started tickling me.

"Sco- stop- stop plea-" I stuttered as I gasped for breath between my fits of laughter, eventually he stopped abruptly and gently pushed me off of him and onto the ground.

When I stood up to look at him he was bent over, looking off into the forest, "Scott?" I asked gently. "Shh," he said quickly, "Scott I-" "shh" he cut me off.

He turned his head to face me and I saw his eyes, only for a second, but they were bright red. When he turned back around to look at the forest he shook his head before turning around fully to face me, this time, his eyes were the same dark brown.

"Scott? Your eyes they- they were red" I said, not quite believing myself now I had said it out loud. "Tori, I can explain. But I promised Stiles that you wouldn't find out" he said as he hesitantly stepped closer, almost as if he was worried I would step back.

Whatever he is, he's still Scott, I stayed in my place as Scott walked over to me and took my hands in his, rubbing his thumbs over the tops of my hands as he looked into my eyes.

"This- oh wow. Okay, this is gonna sound really far-fetched and just plain idiotic, but, Tori. I'm a werewolf, a True Alpha"

"A werewolf?" I asked, my voice full of curiosity which clearly Scott wasn't expecting because of the look on his face. "Y- Yeah". He said I smiled "Can I see?" I asked, and he looked into my eyes in silence for a few seconds before nodding and letting go of my hands.

He stepped back and turned around, facing the forest again, when he turned around a few seconds later he had extra hair on his face, and his features were different, but he was still Scott.

I stepped up to him, watching as he watched my every move. I slowly reached up to his face and traced his new hair line. "So what's the difference between an Alpha and a True Alpha?" I asked as I pulled my hand back down to my side.

"Well, I didn't have to kill anyone to get this power, it was always inside of me" he said which made me smile, "What?" he asked, "Nothing, it's just, you've always had a good power within you" I smiled again.

"I'm so glad you're not scared of me now" he whispered as he pulled me in for a hug, "I'll never be scared of you" I whispered as I pecked his cheek before burying my face in the crook of his neck.

Okay, um. Yeah. Queenbeet916 this is your personal, hope you like it love, if not I'll rewrite it for you.

Stay safe little penguins and have fun:-) love you all xxxxxxx

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