He cheats on you

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Scott: I sighed happily as the day finally came to an end. Quickly I ran into the back of the restaurant I work at and changed into my normal clothes before running out, waving a quick goodbye to my manager and then jumping into my car.

I sped home to see the only thing that was getting me through today. My boyfriend Scott. I haven't seen him in three months because he went to Mexico with the pack and then he's been really busy trying to save Beacon Hills.

Tonight it seemed that luck was on my side, as all the lights were on green as I sped past. Parking quickly on the driveway, I noted another car parked on the road, but took no actual notice because he always gets visits from the pack, so this is normal.

I quickly walked up and opened the door, only to be met with a bunch of loud moans. Quietly walking through the house, following the sound, I tip-toed to mine and Scott's bedroom and slowly pushed open the door.

The sight I was met with was not something I wished to ever see. "Oh my god" I whispered as I stepped back, shaking my head as the tears had already began to fall down my cheeks. Scott and Kira in bed topless, she was straddling him until Scott opened his eyes and saw me.

"Oh shi- (Y/N)?!" He said quickly as he threw Kira off of him, "Don't worry, I'll leave you to your little toy" I spat as I started to walk down the stairs.

"(Y/N) bab-" Scott started, "Don't you dare. Don't you ever call me anything but (Y/N)" I snapped as I whirled around to face him. "Don't even talk to me, don't look at me, don't touch me" I near screamed as I ripped my arm from his grip.

"I- I'm sorry" he whispered, "Sorry isn't going to fix my heart" I whispered in reply before running downstairs and straight outside, getting into my car. I sped away, putting Scott and the house in my rearview mirror.

"I wish I could hate you" I whispered as I kept driving, wiping my eyes quickly and harshly at the same time.

Stiles: FINALLY! Tonight's the night I get to go over to Stiles' house for our monthly film night. Of course, we'll end up watching Star Wars, but I don't mind because I love (the way his eyes sparkle when we watch it/all the films anyway)

I got into my car and drove as fast as possible to Stiles', if I got a ticket the sheriff would just get me out of it. I got to his house in record time and quickly ran up to the front door, I unlocked it, using the key the Sheriff gave me and stepped inside, quietly closing it behind me.

"Stiles?" I called out, upon seeing nobody in the kitchen or the living room, I heard a thud from upstairs, and knowing about the supernatural, I walked upstairs cautiously.

I grabbed ahold of the random softball bat in the hall(corridor, hallway, whatever you lil penguins call it) and carried on towards Stiles' room.

I slowly peeked inside the open door to see Lydia and Stiles in bed together, and they weren't being innocent.

"Stiles?!" I yelled as I walked into the room, immediately Lydia screamed and grabbed the sheets, holding them up to cover her body.

"(Y/N) baby" Stiles said as he sat up, "No Stiles, don't even start. I mean, yes I shipped Stydia, but it was more a friendship" I said before I dropped the bat and walked out of the house.

Peter: "He isn't trustworthy, (Y/N)" my dad, Sheriff Stilinski, told me as I started getting ready to go to Derek's loft, where my boyfriend Peter was staying. "That's your opinion and you're entitled to it, but it doesn't mean it's correct"

"I'm just trying to look out for you," I sighed, "I know you are dad, and I love you for that, but I'm old enough to make my own decisions, you gotta let me do that" slowly he nodded dejectedly, "Be careful" he kissed my forehead.
"I will!" I called, running out the door and getting into my car.

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