School dance (EmilyxLiam)

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"Hey, Em?" Liam asked me one day when we were on the phone, I stopped stirring my soup bubbling on the stove, "Yes, Liam?" I asked him, curious as to what he wants to ask. "You know we have that school dance coming up?" he asked, I nodded, even though he couldn't see me, "Yeaaah" I dragged out as I got a funny feeling I knew what he was getting at.

"Would you like to go with me?" He asked he might have sounded confident, but I could just picture him sitting there, or pacing nervously as he waits for my answer. "I'd love to Liam" I smiled into the phone.

*time skip*

"Okay, dress, shoes, bag, check, check and check. Hair, and make-up, soon and soon" I said to myself as I checked the list in my head of things I need to do to get ready for the dance.

*knock knock* "Oh thank Jesus!" I opened the door to reveal Lydia and Allison (fight me bitch, I dare ya) "Yes, the calvary has arrived! So let's get started on makeup and hair!" Lydia smiled as they both walked in, linked an arm with either of mine and walked upstairs with me.

"Okay, so how do you want your hair done?" Allison asked me as she sat me down in my desk chair. "Uh honestly, I haven't thought about it" I replied sheepishly, "Well that's okay, I think I have the perfect thing in mind" she smiled at me through her reflection in the mirror.

"Okay, I am covering that mirror so that you can't sneak a peek at yourself, it has to be a total surprise!" Lydia giggled as she grabbed a random sheet from my bed and draped it gently over the mirror in front of me. "Ready?" She asked me as she picked up some makeup brushes, "As I'll ever be" I smiled.

*time skip cause Idek about getting ready and all that shit, sorry*

"Okay, I think we're done!" Lydia smiled as she stood up from her hunched over position in front of me and stretched her back out. "Allison? Are you done?" She asked, "Yes" Allison answered after a few seconds of silence. "Okay great, Emily? You ready?" Lydia asked me, I nodded, very ready to see what I look like.

"Okay, three..... two.... one" Lydia pulled off the cloth, revealing me to the mirror, I examined myself closely, looking at the way my blonde hair was curled and put up, Allison held a mirror behind my head and angled it so that I could see how she had styled my hair at the back. Then I looked at my make-up, Lydia had thankfully chosen natural colours, but as well, the colours brought out my bluey-greyey (Yes, that is a word.... Now) eyes.

"Thank you guys so much!" I smiled widely as I stood up to face the two of them, "You're welcome sweetie" They both said as they enveloped me in a hug, being careful so as not to disturb my hair or my makeup. "Okay, go wait downstairs so I  can put on my dress" I giggled as I rushed them out the door, closing it immediately behind them as I leant up against it, taking a breath before I walked over to my closet and pulled out my dress.

I laid it on my bed, just looking at it for a minute before I finally took off my robe and slowly put on my dress, checking myself out in the mirror, I finally decided I looked alright and then grabbed my matching bag and put my phone and a little bit of money in it before walking downstairs.

I heard a small gasp and an "awhhh" I looked up to see both Allison and Lydia smiling at me, tears in their eyes as they walked over to me once I'd reached the bottom of the stairs. "You look so so beautiful" Allison smiled, I giggled "Thank you, I wouldn't look this good if you two hadn't helped me," I said honestly.

"Oh please, don't flatter us," Lydia said, I was about to say something when the doorbell went off. "I better get my shoes on" I smiled to Allison as Lydia walked over to the door, opening it to reveal Liam stood there, looking handsome as ever in his black suit. "Hey" He smiled as I walked over to the door, "Hey, you look handsome" I smiled back at him, "And you look amazing!" He said as he handed me  a single red rose.

"Thank you, it's beautiful" I smiled again as I smelt the flower in my hands, "And it matches your dress" he smiled, (Em!! The dress is the same as the one in your prom imagine :-)) "Ready to go?" He asked me and I nodded, linking my arm with his and we walked down to the car (Just play along and pretend Liam can drive)

Upon arriving, I pulled Liam into the gymnasium, we danced and played truth or dare out on the field along with a group of other people when the dance got boring, and then finally, we left. (sorry for lack of detail, I'll try to add some in if you want) "Uh, my parents aren't home for the weekend, you wanna come in and watch TV?" I suggested as I turned to face Liam once he'd walked me to the door, ye- yeah sounds good" he said as we walked in.

"Make yourself at home" I smiled as I gestured to the living room while I headed to the kitchen as I slipped off my shoes, "So, what do you wanna watch?" Liam asked me as he looked at the stack of films standing in the living room.

"Thor" I smiled as I collapsed onto the couch, Liam following shortly after he'd put the film in, as the film started I rested my head on Liam's shoulder, and felt his arm snake its way around my waist, keeping me close to him.

Okay, so hey!! Another request over and done with, I've got two more after this! Woop Woop! And then I can update preferences and general imagines for a little while, maybe open requests again later in the month:-)

Glader_Witch_Wolf this is your personal, I hope you like it, if not I'll rewrite it for you.

IT'S MY BIRTHDAY TOMORROW GUYS (9TH JULY) I'M SO NOt excited, I hate my birthday and Christmas and new years and just yeah, a lot of things.... Sorry guys. But I definitely don't hate you lot.

I love you all my lil penguins, and I'll see ya later*salutes* xxxxx

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