Christmas Star (LaurenxLiam)

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FallingShadowss this is your christmasy personal. Hope you like it love!!

"Well I am exhausted! I need a drink, anyone else?" Scott, my older brother, said as he walked to the kitchen with the pack following him, all apart from me and Liam.
We had all be decorating the whole house as a surprise for mom, there was just one more thing to do a d that was to put the star at the top of the tree.
"Hey, Lauren!" Liam said from behind me, I turned around to face him and saw he was wearing a pair of christmasy boppers. I smiled and giggled at him before walking over to him and he looked down at me as I looked up at him.
"You look like an idiot Liam" I joked, he smiled before saying "oh yeah? Well I'm your idiot" "True. And I wouldn't change it for the world" I whispered as my arms wound around his neck. His eyes flickered from mine to my lips and back again as he leaned in towards me.
"C'mon, we gotta put the star on top of the tree" I said as I stepped back from him, and I smirked as he groaned and then walked with me. I picked up the star and then looked up at the top of the tree and then looked down at the star and back up at the tree.
I heard chuckling from beside me so I looked over and saw Liam smirking down at me.
"What?" I asked with a pout, "Need some help shortie?" Liam asked jokingly. I sighed and nodded "Here, why don't you let me put it on the tree?" He asked and I held on tighter to the star and turned my back on him so he couldn't get it.
"Alright Lauren, alright, I'll lift you up" Liam said laughing at my child-like behaviour. I smiled and turned around to face him again and a minute later I was on his shoulders, don't ask me how, he moved too fast for me to comprehend.
"Okay babe, you can put the star on now. Happy?" He said as he stood in front of the Christmas tree. "Very" I smiled as I placed the star on the tree.
Then Liam stepped back so we could admire the tree but suddenly my back hit the floor and Liam hovered over me, checking for cuts I guess. "Lauren are you alright?" He asked me sincerely and all I could do was laugh and then a few seconds later he joined in.
At that moment the pack came rushing in asking if we were okay, which only made us laugh more.
"I love you Lauren" Liam said as he rested his forehead on mine after the pack had left us alone again.
"I love you too" I smiled and gently Liam placed his lips on mine, and I knew, it would be a very merry Christmas indeed with him by my side.

Lauren, I reaaally hope you like it, if not I will happily re-write it for you!! And I'm sorry its kind of short:(

I love all you little penguins, you can request imagines all you like, knock yourselves out (not literally)

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