Aiden catch-up #2

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Hey, guys! This is the last catch-up I gotta do, so enjoy, and Aiden will be in the other preferences that I am still updating, so he'll be on the end of them, keep your eyes peeled!!!!

22) Contact names:-)

Aiden: Boo

You: Gorgeous

23) How/where you met

I was just making my way to my next class when someone bumped into me, making all the books and papers in my arms fly everywhere. I suppressed the growl I wanted to let loose as I knelt down and began trying to grab all my papers before too many people stood on them.

A few other hands occasionally passed me some of my papers, but I didn't really pay any attention until I noticed someone kneeling in front of me. I glanced up, to see a guy was collecting my papers and books as well.

He looked up at me, caught my eye, and smiled at me before he went back to collecting my books. Eventually, we had collected it all, we stood up together and he handed me all he had collected.

"Thank you so much..." I trailed off, realising I didn't know this guys name, "Aiden, and you're welcome, I'm perfectly happy to help out a beautiful lady" he winked at me, "Well thank you again, I uh- have to go to class now" I said as I started to go around him.

"Wait! At least tell me your name!" Aiden said as he quickly turned around to face me again. "(Y/N)" I said as I turned my head to see him.

Once I got into my class and sat down, I began arranging my papers when I found a random piece hidden among the rest. '*insert American number here* -Aiden xx' it read, I smiled to myself, well, he is cute.

24) Pick-up lines

"I'm sorry, I don't think we've met, I'd never forget such a beautiful face"

25) What he likes about you

Your personality, he likes that you're beautiful on the outside, but you're also beautiful on the inside, he likes that you will do anything to help the people you care about, even when it means you go against him.

26) Clothes you steal from him

His awesome sunglasses, your sunglasses broke a little while ago and so when Aiden left his sunglasses unguarded in the car with you, you just decided to start wearing them because you're pretty sure he's got plenty more in his room.

27) Your sibling in the pack

Peter is your older brother (I've been overthinking this for like three hours, and it's hurting my brain, so please don't ask about it)

28) Your best friend in the pack


29) Girl/guy, you're jealous of


30) Voicemails

'*Hey this is Aiden, leave a message* *beeeeeeeeeeep* Aiden please, I- I'm sorry. I didn't mean it, what I said- I was just stressed, please Aiden, please come back, I'm sorry'

Sorry that the voicemail one kinda sucks, I don't really have any ideas:-( sorry xxx

Okay enjoy, I'll be updating a request later, so keep your eyes peeled and hopefully you'll enjoy it!!

Love y'all my lil penguins and I'll see ya later, byeeee *salutes* xxxxx

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