Time to tell (AnniexStiles)

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"Hey Annie? You think we'll ever tell the pack we're a couple?" Stiles asked me, I turned on his desk chair to face him as he sat on the bed. "I think we will, but I'm Liam's twin sister, maybe we should wait until he can control his anger"

Stiles nodded, I could see he wasn't happy with my answer but he didn't say anything else as he went back to studying his math book.

*three weeks later*

"AnnieBear! Hey, I gotta tell you something" I smiled as I turned my full attention to my brother. "Hey Liam, what's got you so ecstatic?" I giggled, "I can control my shift!"

"Liam! Oh my god, that's awesome! Well done" I hugged him, "Yeah, listen, I gotta go. I'll see you at home?" I nodded as he ran off to Hayden, who he greeted with a kiss. Well, I'm not the only one who hasn't said anything. >;-|

"Stiles? Hey, I think it's time, we can tell the pack" Stiles gasped melo-dramatically, "Really?" I nodded. "Yes! Let's go now!" I giggled, "Stiles, we can't go yet. We still have classes. We can go after school"

Stiles sighed, "Fine" he kissed my cheek and walked off to his class but not before he smacked my ass and ran off before I could smack him back.

*skip to after school*

"Stiles" I smiled as he walked through my front door, "Hey, the pack's gonna be here in ten minutes, and also I already told Scott" I giggled, "Okay, one less person to actually tell. What did he say?",

"He thinks we're a great couple, and he says the age gap doesn't matter, it's only two years"

*sorry for all the skips. But I can't allow y'all to bake me in your little *insert preffered species* ovens*

"Okay, so why are we all here?" Lydia questioned as she sat forwards in her seat, "Annie and I are dating, we have been for like five months. We didn't tell you because Annie wanted Liam to be able to control his anger before we shared"

Stiles said everything while I stood there, watching Liam's reaction, when he rolled his eyes, I had to say something. "Liam" he looked up at me, "Don't roll your eyes, at least we're telling you. At least I'm dating someone who you like, unlike you"

"Annie. I don't know what you're talking about" Liam said sternly. "So you don't know that you blew me off in favour of kissing Hayden, that's fine. All I ask is that you respect my relationship with Stiles"

He sighed before he stood up and hugged me, "You're right" he whispered into my ear, "I am happy for you don't get me wrong, I'm just looking out for you"

"I love you Liam" I giggled, "love you too" as we broke away, Kira burst out saying "Well I think you make a really cute couple. I'm happy for you" as Stiles wrapped his arms around my waist.

The rest of the pack went about saying how cute we are and in the middle of the commotion, I noticed something nobody else had. "Lydia?" I whispered to myself so as not to scare the others that she had disappeared.

I looked around, finding her in the doorway to the living room, she was smiling sadly as her eyes cast over us all, tears running down her fave before she walked out.

"Hey Annie? You okay?" I turned my attention to Stiles, "Yeah, yeah I'm fine" I smiled, still worrying about Lydia, though my worries were cut short when she came back into the house.

Walking up to me she hugged me tight and whispered lowly in my ear, "Congratulations. I'm happy for you" I hugged her back, not saying anything. Not knowing what to say.

ANNIEBEAR! HELLO!! Anniebelle_98 here's one of your requests, I hope you like. If not I'll rewrite it for you:-)

Sorry requests are taking so long guys, honestly it takes me basically all day to write a full length imagine, and that's with things in between. But I have some more I just need to type up and I'm getting there!! I swear😂

Okie, no news again.

I love y'all my lil penguins, and I'll see you later *salutes* xxxxx

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