Birthday imagine (Pack)

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"Psssssst, (YYYYYYY/NNNNNNN) wake up" I heard as I was shaken awake by a mystery person, slowly opening my eyes I found Lydia staring down at me.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" She yelled excitedly, throwing her arms in the air as she jumped on my bed, "Ugh, thanks I guess" I said as I rubbed my eyes, willing myself to wake up at least a little bit.

"C'mon, the rest of the pack is downstairs waiting for you to get your lazy ass out of bed" she joked as she literally dragged me from my bed and pulled me towards the outfit she had already picked out for me.

"Thanks Lyds" I yawned as I started to change while Lydia picked out makeup. After I finished putting on my clothes she made me sit down at my desk and then proceeded to work on my face.

"Okay, let's go!" She smiled as she put away my makeup and walked away with me downstairs. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" I was met with a wall of yells as I reached the bottom of the stairs, I looked up to see the whole pack stood there, gifts in hand as they smiled at me.

"Thank you guys!" I smiled excitedly, "Come to the living room (Y/N) we've already decked it out" Stiles smiled as he wrapped an arm around your waist and walked you to the living room door.

"Oh my god" I giggled as I looked around to see balloons and banners and loads of childish party games, a blindfold, pin the tail on the donkey, a pinnata and so many more.

"Guys! I think we should start with presents first?" Scott suggested as they all filed into the living room behind me and Stiles.

"Okay, everyone sit down, (Y/N)'s gonna open mine first!" Stiles yelled like a primary school kid as he raced me and him to the couch.

We fell back onto it on victory as the others all went to sit on the chair or the floor. "Okay, here" Stiles said as he thrust a little box wrapped up very well into my face.

"Thanks Stiles" I said as I struggled to find a place to rip it in between all the selotape wrapped around it. Eventually I got it open and a smallish jewellery box faced me.

I glanced up at Stiles before I opened the box, to be met with a beautiful pinky goldy heart pendant with my first initial engraved into it.

"I love it Stiles thank you so much!" I smiled happily as I hugged him before I started accepting all the presents from the rest of the pack.

Scott and Kira gave me one gift between them which turned out to be a charm bracelet, with two charms on already.

I thanked them before I opened the one from Lydia, she had gotten me a lot of presents, mainly clothes and shoes, things that she'll more than likely be borrowing from me soon, and then she had bought me a £250 gift card to my favourite store.

Malia had gotten me some perfume, as had Liam and Mason, Brett had gotten me a book I'd shown a lot of interest in a little while back, I thought they'd forgotten, but apparently not.

Peter and Derek had simply bought me a card and sent it with Scott, but I was just thankful that the two assholes had even shown interest on my birthday.

"Thank you guys so much, I love all of my presents, they're all amazing" I smiled after I'd finished opening all the presents that the pack had given me.

"You deserve only the best" Lydia whispered into my ear as she hugged me tight, I hugged her back just as tight and kissed her cheek, in a friendly way.

"Now! ON WITH THE GAMES!" Stiles yelled dramatically as he stood up and held his arms above his head while he yelled to the ceiling.

It's safe to say that I had a lot of fun that day, it was one of the best birthdays I've ever had, and I knew I'd never have a down day with these guys by my sides.

Okay guys hey, so I've had an amazing day today, cause I've been talking to you guys. My family essentially abandoned me today, I was alone for most of the day, I know, sad sad times:-(

But it's okay, cause I'll hopefully always have you, my lil penguins forever and always.

I hope you enjoy this birthday imagine in the last hour and a few minutes of my 17th😂

I'll be posting the start of a new preference soon, so keep yo eyes peeled okay? I hope it's good.

I love y'all my lil penguins, and I'll see y'all later *salutes* xxxxx

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