Innuendo;) (Pack imagine)

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"Why is it so sticky?" Scott asked, me and Stiles and Isaac simply looked at each other over the table and then burst out laughing while Scott stood there looking like a lost puppy. "I- I can't ev-" I stuttered and then kept laughing. "What? What are you all laughing at?" Scott asked us and we just kept laughing, ignoring him because we couldn't stop laughing enough to answer him.

*le time skip in le TARDIS*

"Hey guys, I just bought this game, I thought we could all play together" Liam said as he walked in through Scott's front door. I smirked as I tried to hold in my laughter while I put down another tally on the white board for our innuendo counter.

*another time skip in le TARDIS*

"Why is this so haaard" Stiles moaned, almost sexually. I looked over at Isaac, Brett, Liam and Scott and they all looked over at me and then glanced at Stiles as he moaned again. And then suddenly we were all doubled over in laughter. *five minutes later* our laughter slowly died down and I put another tally, taking the total up to 25.

"Ca- C- Can I have a- a tissue" I gasped out as Brett passed me a tissue and smirked when he saw the tears rolling down my cheeks. "Thank y- you" I gasped again and wiped the tissue over my cheeks and under my eyes, catching all the tears.

"Hey guys! Why are you all being so loud?" Aiden asked as he walked in through the door with Ethan (don't even start with me okay Aiden is still alive and Ethan never left okay?)

"Hey, I thought you were bringing Allison with you?" (biTCH FIGHT ME ALLISON IS ALIVE I CAN'T HANDLE IT) I asked the two brothers as I looked over at them over the back of the couch. "Well we were" Aiden started but then jumped over the back of the couch and landed with a small thud, making me fall into him and he simply smirked. "But she said she has loads of studying and homework she needs to catch up on, so she said she might come by later but I doubt it" Ethan finished for his brother.

"So, I'm the only girl here with seven guys, six freaking werewolves and one Stiles" I said and they all looked at me and nodded, "And also we have 25 innuendos" I finished as I glanced at the whiteboard. Isaac chuckled and I walked into the kitchen to grab a drink which ended up being white wine from the fridge. I chugged a glassful down (SOrryy if some of you little penguins don't like wine, or alcohol, if not just pretend it's milk. And if you don't like milk weLL THEN TOO BAD!! Joking, joking, I'm sorry I didn't mean it) before I walked back into the living room where all the boys were seated, with the new added werewolf Derek sitting on the couch also.

"Hey sour wolf, what's up?" I said as I sat on the floor, "You bring your light-sabres today (Y/N)?" Stiles asked me, I stood up and went and picked up my minion bag and walked back into the living room. "Here" I said as I threw one to Isaac, "You know the fights from Star Wars dumb ass?" I asked him as he caught it and stared at it like it was something from an alien planet.

"Uhhh" Isaac said and me and Stiles chuckled together. "Alright, well, me and Stiles can teach you" I said as Stiles nodded and walked over to Isaac. "Okay, so first you stand like this, and then-" Stiles stopped short while Isaac slowly imitated his stance (we're getting technical in here!;)) Stiles gave a deep sigh, which because I wasn't looking at him, thought was sexual and then he said "Alright you gotta have a strong grasp on it, and then just flick your wrist"

I slowly walked over to the whiteboard and pulled the lid off the pen and drew another tally before standing in front of Isaac and flicked my wrist, "Alright, you're new to this, so I'll go easy on you"

Then basically the rest of the night was spent using my light-sabres and also writing down new tallies.

LITTLE PENGUINS, I AM SOOOOOOO SOOO SORRY IT'S SO SHORT AND REALLY BAD. IF YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT AN INNUENDO IS BASICALLY IT MEANS SOMETHING THAT SOMEONE SAYS THAT CAN BE THOUGHT OF IN A DIRTY WAY, IF YA KNOW WHAT I MEAN;) ANywho I am working on a few more imagines. I have 3 personals to write, I'm hoping that they'll be finished  by the end of this week.

(Dedicated to alicia123546 although it's a pretty shit imagine, it's just a fill in guys, I swear!)

PENISES AND SEXY TIMES okay I think I have somebody's attention right now, so if you guys want to have an imagine, I would absolutely love it if you comment or send me a me a message saying you want an imagine and just tell me to get my act together and write it asap. Byeee little penguins, love you all!<3

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