End up here (5SOS) (EmilyxStiles)

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🎶You walked in
Everyone was asking for your name
You just smiled and told them "Trouble"🎶

"Scott, I don't wanna be here, just let me go home!" I whined again for the fifth time in two minutes. "Stiles! I dragged you out here so you can have a good night for once in your life! Who knows, maybe you'll find someone!" Scott winked at me before he was pulled away to a booth by Kira. I sighed in frustration as I walked over to the bar, I sat down and ordered a coke, not even bothering to try and get a beer, I sat there miserably sipping on my drink until I noticed someone come in from the corner of my eye.

Holy shit- she's beautiful. I watched as the new girl was quickly surrounded by a load of drunk and obnoxious guys, "And what would your name be?" I heard one of them ask over the loud music, "Trouble" she smirked at him before she walked off, towards the bar, passing me she threw a wink my way.

🎶My head spins
I'm pressed against the wall
Just watching your every move
You're way too cool
And you're coming this way
Coming this way🎶

I've been watching this girl all night, not- not like that, I mean, she's beautiful, I can't keep my eyes off of her, my back against the cool brick wall of the club as my eyes watch her on the dancefloor. She seemed to have gained a few girlfriends throughout the night, and they were all currently dancing, making all the guys stare.

She's so amazing, no way would she talk to someone like me... I watched her as she looked up, making eye contact with me, for the first time that night, I saw a friendly smile fall onto her lips, it wasn't a mischevious smirk, and it wasn't a fake smile plastered on her face when guys made moves on her. It was a genuinely friendly smile, and she wore it just for me. I smiled back at her, giving her a small wave to which she laughed and then- she- is she walking over here?

🎶How did we end up talking in the first place?
You said you liked my Cobain shirt
Now we're walking back to your place
You're telling me how you love that song
About living on a prayer
I'm pretty sure that we're halfway there
And when I wake up next to you I wonder how
How did we end up here?🎶

"So, what's your favourite song anyway?" She asked me, we are currently on the way back to her house, I don't even know her name yet, hell I don't even know how we made it this far, being the awkward little guy that I am, I thought I'd barely get a word out when I spoke to her. "Uhh well I like Boulevard of Broken Dreams by Green Day," I said after racking my brain for words. "Wh- What's yours?" I asked her, silently cursing myself as I stuttered, "I like that one about living on a prayer, you know it?" she asked as I nodded my head.

How the hell did we get here? I asked myself as I thought back to the events of five minutes ago...

I watched her as she walked over to me, that same friendly smile still on her lips, "Hey" she giggled once she stopped in front of me, "Uh h- hi" I stuttered, still not believing that she was talking to me, I looked around, it was just me and her in this part of the club, she really is talking to me! "I love your shirt!" she exclaimed suddenly as she grabbed the hem of my shirt, pulling it out so she could see it properly, "Cobain, I love it," she said once more as I began to blush at how close she was to me. "C'mon, let's get out of here, we can go back to mine, it'll be a lot quieter," she said as she grabbed a hold of my hand before I could agree we were already outside and walking away from the club.

🎶(How did we end up,
How did we end up here?)

Next day out
Everybody thought you were so insane
'Cause you were so far out of my league🎶

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