Stay awake (Pack imagine)

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Slight Lydiaxreader!!!!!!!!

"Hey (Y/N)! I'm here outside your house, come on!" Stiles said as soon as I picked yo the phone, "I'm coming, Stiles! Let me get my shoes on!" I giggled before I hung up and carried in tying up my laces.

I picked up my bag, slipping it onto my shoulder as I said goodbye to my mum, "Bye sweetie, have fun at the sleepover and tell Liam no wolfing out! I don't want you getting hurt" she said as she hugged me tight. "Mum, I'll be fine okay? I'll see you tomorrow night! Stiles is waiting for me!" I exclaimed as I tried to pull back from my mums killer grip.

"Okay! Okay! Be good" she said before kissing my cheek and finally letting me go, I ran out the door before my mum could stop me again and hopped into the Jeep. "I'm sorry! My mum wouldn't let me go!" I apologized, "It's okay but you- you got a little lipstick on your cheek," he said as he pointed to my cheek. "For god sake" I muttered as I pulled out my mirror to try and get rid of the stain.

"Stiles! This is not 'a little lipstick' this us a full-on red lipstick stain" I exclaimed, "Jesus" I whispered as I raided my bag for my make-up wipes. As we pulled up to Scott's house I just finished wiping off the lipstick, "Let's go!" I yelled as I jumped out of the jeep, bag barely hanging on my shoulder as I ran up to the front door.

I barged in not even bothering to knock as I walked into the living room and sat down beside Allison. "Oh yeah, come on in (Y/N), thanks for knocking!" Scott joked as he looked over at me. I simply smiled at him innocently before I started a conversation with Allison.


"Okay, what film should we watch first?" Scott asked us all once we'd changed into our pyjamas and grabbed blankets and pillows as we got comfy, each in different spots around the room.

"How about we watch London has fallen?" I suggested as I pulled the movie out of my bag, "Sounds good" Malia smiled as she held her hand out. I handed her the case and she read the back of it as she placed the disc into the disc player.

"How about we play our usual game?" Lydia suggested as the disc menu came up, "What? 'Stay awake'?" I asked her as she nodded, "That sounds like a good plan" Stiles nodded.

"Great, so whoever fall asleep gets a moustache drawn on their face, and whoever stays up longest wins" Allison reminded us all of the rules.


"Guys! Pass me a sharpie" I whispered as I held my hand out and slowly walked towards Liam. Lydia passed me a sharpie as she laughed, I held my breath and bit my lip as I drew a curly moustache and beard on Liam's face.

"You should've stayed awake Liam" I chuckled quietly as I put the cap back on the pen. "Let the games continue!" Scott whispered as we went back to watching World War Z.

"What film should we watch now?" Scott asked as the credits rolled up on the screen. "You guys can decide, I'm going to get a drink," I said as I stood up and walked towards the kitchen. "Me too," Lydia said.

"Here ya go," I said, pouring her a few shots of coke and coffee. "Thanks" she smiled as she picked up the glasses, throwing her head back as she swallowed them all. (Y'know like they do on Miranda? If you've seen it, though it is as shown below*points below*)

"Okay, you think we can win this?" Lydia asked me seriously, "I know we can, besides I saw Malia basically falling asleep before we came in here" I smirked, knowing that if Malia fell asleep, Stiles wouldn't be too far behind

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"Okay, you think we can win this?" Lydia asked me seriously, "I know we can, besides I saw Malia basically falling asleep before we came in here" I smirked, knowing that if Malia fell asleep, Stiles wouldn't be too far behind.

Walking back into the living room with Lydia right behind me, I saw that Stiles and Malia were both cuddled up and fast asleep. "Aweee" I whispered, "Why has nobody drawn on them yet?" I asked, "We were waiting for you! You are our master face drawer person, you do the best moustaches" Scott shrugged as he handed me the sharpie pen.

I smirked as I drew on the sleeping couple, giving Stiles a little extra on his face I then put the lid back on and sat back down on the floor beside Lydia. "What're we watching now?" I asked as Scott pressed play "An episode of Shadowhunters" he answered.

"Malec?" I turned to Lydia, "Malec" she giggled in return, we both watched the screen intently, tearing up when Lydia told Alec to go to Magnus and full-on crying when they kissed.

"It's so beautiful" I whisper cried as I turned to see both Allison and Scott fast asleep together. Just to make sure we had won, I looked around at all of the pack, before turning to face Lydia again.

"Lydia! We- aweeee" I whispered upon seeing her fast asleep on my shoulder, "Goodnight beautiful" I whispered gently as I kissed her foreheadd before laying her down on the blanket and pillow. I got up slowly, being careful not to wake anyone as I grabbed the infamous moustache sharpie pen and very carefully drew on Scallison's faces.

"I can't believe Kira and Mason missed this" I laughed to myself as I laid down beside Lydia, pulling a big blanket over the both of us, almost as if she sensed me there, Lydia reached out, wrapping her arms around me and cuddling up to me. I smiled to myself as I slowly fell asleep in the arms of the girl I love.

Hey guys, imagine and a half here. It's taken me a whole day to write, and something like half a day to type up, so hopefully this satisfys you guys for a little bit while I write up some more for you.

That's all for now, sorry:-( I love you all my lil penguins, see ya later *salutes* xxxxx

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