You don't see me (EmilyxStiles)

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"Hey Emily!" Lydia cheerfully chirped as she came to a stop at the bench I am currently sat at. "Hey Lydia" I said, a little less cheerfully, her smile almost instantly fell, "What's wrong?" She asked worriedly. "Y'know Stiles?" I asked her, "Stiles?" She asked me back, I nodded, "yeah, when we were really close friends I used to call him Bilinski Stilinski" I explained briefly to her, "Oh yeah!"

"What about him?" She asked me when I didn't speak, "I have a slight crush on him" I whispered thought I knew she heard me, "But he's totally obsessed with you, he'll never notice me"

Lydia stood up, "Come with me" I looked up at her, only now noticing she was holding her hand out to me, "Where are we going?" I took her hand hesitantly. "We are going to make sure he notices you tomorrow"

*time skip to next day*

"Hey Em, ready for school?" Lydia called through her open window as she rolled up in front of my house. I glared at her as I slid into the passenger seat, "Alright, better question; ready for Stiles?" My glare faltered as a nervous expression took over my face.

"What do I even say to him?" I asked her as she began driving, "Just flirt with him a little, the rest will come naturally" I took a deep breath to calm myself before I turned to her once more, "How do I flirt?"

"Oh honey, you've got so much to learn, for now, I think we should just stick with the easiest stuff. Just be extra smiley, extra nice, look beautiful, even more so than you already do, subtly motion to your outfit" she laughed, "Okay" I said unsurely.

"You'll be fine don't worry about it"

*skip to school*

"Alright, there he is, good luck, remember- make him notice you" I took a deep breath before I left Lydia at the doors and made my way over to Stiles who was stood at his locker, taking things out of his bag.

"Hey Stiles" I said kind of giddily as I came to a stop beside him, "Hey Emily" he said, not looking at me. I sighed, leaning back against the lockers, this is gonna be harder than I thought.

"Are you alright? You look stressed" I gave up on my act when I noticed the expression on his face, "Huh? Oh yeah I'm fine- just forgot to do the math homework. You- you look nice" I smiled, "Thank you" I giggled as I twirled my hair slightly.

"You're acting weird, are you alright?" He asked me, "I'm great" I giggled again, my hand brushing over his as I swayed my arms slightly. "Why are you dressed like that anyway? All girly"

I sighed again, "I did this for you Stiles. I'm dressed like this I was acting like that, to try and impress you, to try and get your attention. I like you Stiles, I really do, I have done for years, but I'll never get your attention because you're in love with Lydia"

"Do you really believe that? You think that I don't notice you? Emily, I notice you everyday. You are so beautiful, I can't help but to notice you. I like you, it has always been you"

I didn't get a chance to speak before he was kissing me, gosh I love this boy.

Hey my lil penguins, I'm sorry for the two previous drabble things, I do still write imagines, as you can see^^^^ it just depends on the plot you give me, whether or not I can write a full length imagine for it or not. So hopefully that has cleared that shit up:-)

Credit to RachelWerk1 for the nickname Bilinski Stilinski. Thank you very much:-)

Glader_Witch_Wolf here's one of your requests! I hope to have more up tomorrow:-) hopefully.

Okay, I love y'all my lil penguins and I'll see you later *salutes* xxxxx

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