Fights (SkyxScott)

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Sorry for the sucky title, but I didn't think you guys would appreciate any more imagines where the title was "Idek sorry guys" *EXPLICIT WHILE THEY ARE FIGHTING, COVER YOUR BEAUTIFUL EYES IF YOU DON'T LIKE COLOURFUL LANGUAGE*

"WHY ARE WE EVEN STILL TALKING ABOUT THIS?!" Scott yelled as he walked out of the kitchen where we were both standing having one of our normal yelling contests. "WE ARE STILL TALKING ABOUT THIS BECAUSE ALLISON FUCKING FLIRTED WITH YOU, AND YOU JUST LET HER. I WAS RIGHT THERE SCOTT, I WAS RIGHT THERE WATCHING HER TOUCH YOU AND- and it makes me feel like you don't love me anymore" I started yelling as I followed him until my voice cracked and I inwardly cursed myself for letting my emotions show in the middle of a fight.


Tears filled my eyes as I kept listening to Scott go on and on about me like that, obviously, he didn't love me anymore, I know that it's the full moon in a few days and normally Scott acts like a bitchy bitch and says things he doesn't mean, but honestly the sincerity in his voice as he said those things was unmistakable.

"-AND YOU DON'T FUCKING TELL THEM TO STOP!" I zoned back into Scott's yelling to find that he was stood right in my face before I could even comprehend what was happening Scott had slapped me. I looked up in shock at his face and he didn't even seem fazed by what he had just done.

Scoffing as I brought my hand up to my cheek, I picked up my phone before pushing past Scott and running out the door, I ran for a few minutes before I felt like I was a safe distance from Scott's house. With shaky breaths, I unlocked my phone and called Liam as the tears finally fell freely.

"Hello? Sky?" Liam asked as soon as he picked up the phone, "Liam" I whispered in a broken voice as a sob racked my body, "Sky baby, it's okay, why don't you come over?" Liam asked and I nodded before realising he can't see me, "Yeah, I'll be there in a few" I whispered. "I'll be waiting by the door"

*time skip to Liam's house because Marty McFly offered to take you to the future*

I walked up to Liam's door, I didn't even need to knock as Liam swung the door open and his eyes fell upon my dishevelled appearance, "Hi" I whispered as I attempted to wipe my eyes. "Come here" Liam whispered as he opened his arms wide I practically fell into him, crying my eyes out into his chest.

"I- I'm sorry" I whispered as I pulled back from his arms to see a huge wet patch on his shirt, where I had been crying, "Don't worry about it, go and make yourself comfortable in the living room, I'm just gonna go grab another shirt" He smiled as he gently ushered me towards the couch.

When Liam was out of sight upstairs I took a deep breath, trying to calm myself as I reached into my pocket and pulled out my blade, I quickly ran into the bathroom and locked the door before I rolled up my sleeve and placed the blade on my arm.

*Sorry but I can't write that again, if I write it I will cry, you all know what was going to happen, and I believe that I don't have to write it for you to understand, sorry!*

I cleaned up the blood and then pulled my sleeve back down before unlocking the door and stepping out only to find Liam and Scott at eachothers necks.

"NO! I WON'T LET YOU SEE HER, NOT WHEN YOU'RE OBVIOUSLY THE ONE WHO MADE HER FEEL LIKE THAT!" Liam yelled at Scott which shocked me a little, I never thought Liam would go up against his own Alpha, not even for me (his bestfriend)

"Sky?" Scott asked as he turned around, "What do you want Scott?" I asked, venom lacing my voice, "I love you baby, I'm so sorry, I didn't-" Scott cut himself off as he sniffed. "I- I smell.... blood?" Scott said, although it seemed more like a question.

I pulled on my sleeve nervously which Scott and Liam seemed to pick up on as they both walked over to me and Scott reached out to me but I took a massive step back. "Sky, it's okay, it's just me" Liam soothed as he stepped towards me and held me in his arms, "Can I see your arm?" He asked gently.

I hesitantly nodded as I lifted up my arm and he gently rolled up my sleeve revealing the cuts I had made only minute before, "Scott, I think you should leave" Liam said as he looked up at him.

"What?" Scott asked, clearly shocked by Liam's words, "I said leave, you're the reason she did this, I think it'd be better for her if you weren't here right now" Liam explained as he tried to keep a little bit of calm and slowly rolled down my sleeve again.

"Sky please, remember when you couldn't decide what colour to dye your hair, and eventually we both agreed on pastel blue? Baby, I love you, I love looking into your gorgeous, unique brown and blue eyes, I love running my hands through your hair as we cuddle, baby please I am so sorry about what happened earlier, I didn't mean anything I said and I didn't mean to hit you"

"I'm sorry Scott, but I don't think I can forgive you this time" I whispered, a tear falling down my cheek as I did the hardest thing I would ever have to do (don't start, I know that it sounds wrong) I watched as he left, walking out the door and shutting it before I broke down and fell to the floor.

"I'm sorry Scott" I whispered as Liam wrapped his arms around me and pulled me up, into his chest again, "It's okay Sky, you did the best thing you could" Liam tried to comfort me but it only made me cry harder.

It may have been the right thing, but it definitely wasn't the easiest.

whyKPOPandANIME this is your personal, I hope that you like it and that it lives up to your expectations, if not I will rewrite it for you.

I will see you lil penguins later, I'll try to update again tomorrow, love you, byeeee xxxxx

Guys, if this, or anything worse has happened to you, there are people you can talk to. I'm gonna include some helpline numbers, so don't think that you have to go through this on your own.

I love you all to pieces and I hope that you aren't going through this but if you are, I know that you're strong enough to get out of it.

Also, you should read TerrysaCA 's comment because it is so true. this website has so many numbers on it that can help you and I'm just gonna add a few here;

UK National Domestic Violence Hotline: 0808 2000 247

US National Domestic Violence Hotline: 1-800-799-7233

Women’s Helpline, Nepal: 977-1-4492904

Domestic Violence, Singapore: 6555 0390

Malaysia Women’s Aid Organisation’s helpline: 03 7956 3488

Abused Men in Scotland: 0808 800 0024

The Rape & Abuse Helpline UK: 0808 800 0123 answered by Women; 0808 800 0122 answered by Men

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