~Sad, sad imagine~ (KaitsxIsaac)

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unpredictamuke this is your sad, sad personal. Hope you like it!!

"I'm sor- sorry I- Isaac" I stuttered as I gasped for more air to come into my lungs. "No Kaits, no! It isn't your fault. You have nothing to be sorry for. But please baby please don't leave me" he said in-between sobs.

The pack simply watched as Isaac's world slowly crumbled around him. None of them understood just how much Isaac was hurting, not even Scott, yeah Allison was nearly skewered (Sorry, that sounds a little disgusting and mean, but I couldn't think of a better word.... SORRY) by the Oni, but the key word here is nearly.


"Derek!" I yelled as I pulled him out of the way of a sword. "Thanks" he gasped, I smiled and then twirled around in time to block an attack with my sword from a girl, literally about my age.

We're in the middle of a battle (clearly) against a group of humans who've been brainwashed by some unknown person, or thing. As I blocked another attack I looked into their eyes and they flashed yellow, like Liam's or Isaac's. "Guys!" I yelled kind of disturbed by this news.

"What- ugh- Is it?" Scott yelled as he slashed at someone's stomach. "They're not all humans! Some are werewolves" I grunted as I swung my sword at someone, I couldn't even see their face but I know they weren't a part of our pack.

"Isaac! Look out!" I screamed as I ran over to him and helped him to pin someone to the floor and I held my sword against their throat, and I couldn't see what was happening behind me.

Suddenly I heard a sickening gurgle and felt a sharp excruciating pain in my upper stomach (does that even make sense?) I looked down and saw the end of a sword sticking out of my body. It was pulled back out, being twisted and yet I couldn't scream.

"I- Isaac" I stuttered as I fell towards the floor. Isaac rushed towards me and gently placed me down on the floor. 

~End of flashback~

"Isaac, I- I've always loved you. M- more tha-n a friend" I stuttered. "Kaits. I knew I loved you from the moment I met you, this wasn't really how I pictured telling you, but you needed to know" Isaac said as he held me in his arms.

"I- Isaac" I whispered as he gripped onto my hand, "I can't, I can't tale your pain Kaits" he whimpered. "That's because it doesn't hurt. I'm happy, I'm dying in the arms of the one I love, the only one I've ever loved" I whispered as I cradled his cheek in my weak hand.

"Isaa- Isaac, kiss me" I whispered as I felt the life slowly draining out of me. He leant down and genttly placed his lips on mine.

*Third person (?) POV*

When Isaac pulled back from the kiss he saw Kaits laying there, eyes closed, chest still, showing no signs of breath and all he could do was stare at her.

Yes, she was dead, and her body pale and cold, but she was still the most beautiful person that Isaac had ever seen. In that moment rage and sadness filled his body, and he let out the loudest howl any of the pack had ever heard. The howl filled with his emotions and he nearly cut it off as he started to sob violently.

"Kaits I love you"

HEY. SO I really hope you like it Kaits. If not, I'll re-write it!! Xxxxxxxxxx

Love all you little penguins, stay beautiful (stay yourselves)

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