I don't understand (Malia)

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Lately (Y/N) has been, kind of off lately, her scent has been kinda all over the place. I've been working on the chemosignal stuff with Scott but it's all still a little confusing especially because I've only been a human, and out of Eichen house for five days.

(Y/N) was one of the first people I met, I knew I liked her from the minute I met her, but I didn't- still don't know how she feels for sure. "Scott? I need your help!" I called as I burst into his house, "Malia? What's wrong?" he asked, walking out in front of me.

"Can you help me with the signals?" I asked, "I need to know how you smell when you like someone and when you hate someone" I continued. "Hold on, when you say 'like'?" Scott asked me, "I mean like you like Kira"

"Well you already know how that smells then, but as for hate, it's a strong emotion, so the scent is heavier, a lot darker" Scott explained. I nodded, deep in thought "Great, thanks" I nodded at him before rushing out again and running home.


The next day at school, I kept a good eye on (Y/N), and her smell, around everyone in the pack, she smelt the way she does when she's with family. Whenever she talks to me, her smell shifts to something I don't recognise. "I don't understand" I muttered to myself as (Y/N) walked away.

"Maybe instead of smelling her, you should just ask her how she feels about you," Lydia said slowly as she came to stand beside me. I watched (Y/N) as she looked back and made eye contact with me, and her scent changed again, a normality I have to understand.

"I'll ask her right now," I said, "She's going to the lacrosse field," Lydia said as she held onto my arm. I nodded as she let me go and I started running to the field, keeping an eye out for (Y/N) anywhere.

Eventually, I found her sitting alone on the benches, "(Y/N)! Can I talk to you for a minute?" I asked her, she slowly nodded and gestured for me to sit with her.

I sat down, sighing heavily as I sat down facing her, "Uh okay, I- I don't understand most- human things because I haven't been human for that long" I paused as she nodded at me. "My point is I don't understand you. I don't understand all the chemosignals and I don't understand how you feel about me, but I like you a whole damn lot."

"Lia" (Y/N) whispered, "When I see you, or talk to you, I can almost definitely bet that I smell of anxiety, Malia you- you make me feel like no-one else ever has and to be fair, I don't really understand it, but I- I'm slowly starting to."

"I don't understand" I muttered, (Y/N) chuckled, "Maybe this will help you understand" she smiled, I was about to question her when I felt her hands cup my face and she pressed her lips to mine.

I immediately melted into the kiss, wrapping my arms around her waist, I practically pulled her onto my lap as we continued to kiss.

Okay, hello my lil penguins. Two updates in one day! Wooo! Go me! Okay, um, I have nothing to tell you guys yet, so um yeah.

I love y'all my lil penguins and I'll see you later *salutes* xxxxx

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