You find out he died...

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Scott: Hearing those three words coming from Scott's moms mouth was something you had nightmares about. It was something you thought you never would have to hear. "Scott's dead (Y/N)" Melissa whispered after you had run about three miles to Scott's house from your house. *Flashback* "Scott stooooop!" You laughed as he kept tickling you and chasing you around the meadow(the meadow from the last chapter) "Not until you say it!" Scott chuckled from behind you. "Never" you screamed as he picked you up from behind and spun you around before placing you back down again. He turned you around and gently pressed his lips to yours, a minute later you pulled away and Scott looked into your eyes while you looked down at his lips. "Okay" you whispered, "Scott's the greatest" with a smile on your face. *back to the present* "No... He was absolutely fine three days ago!" you said, not wanting to admit it. "Sweetheart, I am so sorry. They were fighting with the Oni last night. Scott didn't tell you because he wanted to keep you safe. Scott, he um he jumped in front Stiles before he could get stabbed" you stopped listening as it finally hit you. Scott is dead. He isn't coming back...

Stiles: You stumbled towards the Stilinski household and weakly knocked on the front door as you held back the tears threatening to fall from your eyes. "(Y/N)! Hey, you know Stiles isn't here right now..." Sheriff Stilinski said when he opened the door. "I- I know" you sobbed, "(Y/N) what happened?" He asked as he ushered you in and shut the door before taking you to the living room and sitting you down. "Stiles- Stiles is dead" You sobbed even harder and fell on your side onto the couch, your head resting on a pillow. "What do you mean, what- how?" "He- You know how he was possessed by the Nogitsune? Scott- he said there was no way to separate them anymore (A/N I know that they did separate them but just go with it okay?) and they were scared that he would kill more innocent people. I- I only got to say goodbye to Stiles for two seconds before the Nogitsune took over him again and then they killed him. Right in front of me. I never even got to tell him!" you nearly screamed as you thought about it. The sheriff put his arm around your shoulders and pulled you into him before asking "What did you have to tell Stiles (Y/N)?" "I'm pregnant..."

Peter: It was just you and Peter, taking a walk in the woods at night, at your request. "So tell me (Y/N), why did you want to come out here at night?" He asked me, I shrugged "I dunno, just wanted to clear my head I guess"

Before he could reply there was a loud snap that sounded from behind us, we whirled around to see what it was, and we saw the Beast. The same Beast that the pack has been trying to fight.

"Run (Y/N)! I'll hold it off! Run!" Peter yelled at me, already wolfing out as he stepped towards it. "No Peter! Not without you!" I yelled back at him, "Go!" He turned to me, eyes glowing before he turned back to face the Beast.

I ran, I don't know how far, or for how long I ran but the only time I stopped was when I heard a loud snap, that echoed through the trees, it sounded strangely similar to bones snapping.

"Peter" I whispered, a million thoughts running through my head as I ran back towards where we had seen the Beast. "PETER!" I yelled as I saw his body on the ground, neck broken and twisted, cuts littering his body.

"No Peter, no, please no" I whispered, tears running down my face as I turned his head the right way up and closed his eyes. "No" I whispered one more time before my vision blurred with the tears that were falling.

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