Goodbye Cassie (CassiexScott)

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The title reminds me of this song. Feel free to listen to this remix as you read. For the original song, please see YouTube which is placed in the media bit, thank you.

"Cassie honey, I'm sorry it isn't looking good" Melissa said sadly as she held my hand, "You've lost a lot of blood, your wounds aren't healing as we hoped they would"

In case you don't already know, I was caught up in the middle of a fight between Malia and the desert wolf. I got scratched up very badly and also shot in the side, shoulder and my arm.

"Do you think I could have a few minutes to myself?" She nodded, "Sure honey" she whispered, wiping away a year she said "Just press this button when you want Scott to come in" I nodded, a sad smile on my face as she kissed my forehead before leaving the room.

I took a deep breath as I fell back onto the hospital bed beneath me and stared at the ceiling. One small conversation like that just wore me out, how am I supposed to talk to Scott? That will take so much more energy than I have right now.

Well it's now or never. I pressed the button Melissa told me to press and a couple of minutes later Scott came running in through the door.

"Cassie baby, hey" I could tell without even looking at him that he was crying. "Hi Scott" I whispered, "Your mom told you then" I said weakly, moving my head slightly to the side to look at him.

"This can't be the end, it- it just can't, I lost Allison, I nearly lost Stiles, I- Cassie I can't lose you too. I can't. I won't you- you're going to be okay, I swear"

I sighed as I felt a tear slip from my eyes, "Scott, I'm sorry" I whispered, "How are you taking this so well?" Scott whispered as his voice cracked.

"Sometimes (you just gotta know that these things fall through) it's just your time and you know that no matter what you try, eventually it will still be your time" I said, "What if I gave you the bite"

"We don't know how that will turn out Scott" I whispered, "It's worth a shot, I can't lose you Cassie, I promised you I would do everything in my power to look after you"

I took a deep breath before finally I nodded at him, "It's gonna hurt, try not to scream (I bet he's never said that before;-))" Scott lifted my arm and then sunk his teeth into my skin.

My eyes scrunched shut as I bit my lip and fisted the sheets in my hands. The pain surged through my body, and I bit my lower lip again, this time so hard I drew blood from underneath the skin.

"I'm sorry baby, I know" Scott whispered as he soothed down my hair, "Scott" I choked out, feeling my energy draining rather quickly(if you would like, you may now quickly revert to this song for this part). "Cassie? Cassie no, no keep your eyes open, baby please. I'll call my mom, Derek I- I can't lose you too. I love you, so so much, please don't leave me"

I felt my breathing get shallower and shallower, "I'm sorry Scott, it's my time" I whispered, my eyes slowly closing. "I love you Cassie, I'll always love you"

*Scott's POV*

"Scott" Cassie choked out, I looked down at her arm to see black pouring out of the bite mark, "Cassie? Cassie no, no keep your eyes open, baby please. I'll call my mom, Derek I- I can't lose you too. I love you, so so much, please don't leave me"

I watched helplessly as her chest began rising slower and slower, her eyes slowly closing. "I love you Cassie" I cried, "I'll always love you" I whispered. Her chest stopped moving as her eyes lost their usual shine, and I knew I'd just lost my whole world.

"Goodbye Cassie" I whispered as I pressed one final kiss onto her cold, pale skin.

Okay um. I'm sorry? Idk I'm not even sure it's good enough for me to apologize to you for.

Two songs that go, I think, quite well with this imagine, both songs I love and uh yeah, I didn't think of these songs until I had finished writing it😂😂

Hockeychic599 this is your requesssssst, I hope you like it, if not I'll rewrite it for you:-)

I still have no news right now so uh yeah.

I love y'all my lil penguins, and I'll see ya later *salutes* xxxxx

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