chapter 10

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I knocked on Ashley's office' door and heard her mumble 'come in'.

"Hi." I said kind of awkwardly and entered.

"Y/N, perfect timing." She said and got out a huge pile of papers.
"This is your contract." She said and huffed.

"Great. Can I read it here, or do you want me to take this somewhere else?" I asked as she slid everything over to me.

"Oh. You wanna read... you can do that here if you really want to." She said and rolled her eyes.

"Great." I answered and started reading.

It took a long while, and I did take some notes on the bewildering things the comtract wanted me to be okay with.
So after reading it to its fullest, I exhaled loudly, which got Ashley's attention. "This is unacceptable." I sighed.

Her eyes grew wide, and she seemed shocked at my response.

"I made some notes." I said and gave them to her. "Unless these changes will be made or alternatives found, I can't sign that." I explained.

"I have to talk to my supervisor." She said and ruhsed out of the office with my notes.

It took a while, but eventually, she came back. "We'll have to figure this out. We'll call you." She said and held the door open for me.

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