chapter 7

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After the interview, we went back to the tower, and I sorted my notes.
We didn't talk much, since she was exhausted from all the comotion. And honestly, I couldn't blame her.

"Are you taking all your notes on that phone?" She asked, trying not to laugh.

"I hate to admit it, but yes. I would've gotten a notepad, but I didn't wanna risk losing it or anything like that." I explained.

"I'll ask Ashley to give you one of those ipads she's got. As long as you promise to not let it fuse with your body, like hers is!" She said and laughed.

"That would be very nice. Thank you. And I can't promise anything!"
I countered with a similarly happy laugh.

We parted ways, and I didn't really know where to go. There were no tasks from any of the seven, nor any other type of message on my phone.

I started to walk toward the elevator in order to ask Ashley for the ipad myself.
However, my phone dinged.

A message from Homelander had appeared.

*meeting room. Hot chocolate from the cafè.*
I didn't like the way he formed that sentence. But at least he was efficient.

*on it.*
Was all I replied and power walked to the cafè from before.

Luckily, the line was almost non-existent. The barista from before greeted me with a smile.

"One piping hot chocolate, please."
I said with a smile.

"Are you sure about that?" He asked and raised an eyebrow

"Yes. As hot as you possibly can. And then another one just hot. Thank you."
I said after thinking about it. I had no notes on Homelander except for one. 'Don't fuck up'. Very specific of course and not threatening at all.

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