chapter 20

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We sat in silence while we ate. I was stealing glances at Homelander here an there. Hoping but also fearing any kind of reaction. However, he just ate. No noises, other than eating, and no special facial reactions, he just ate. 

"Do you like it?" I asked him, almost scared to disturb the silence. 

He stopped eating and I feared that I had upset him. But then he nodded. "Yes. It's good. I mean not five star quisine, but not bad." He explained and I smiled.

"Good. Would you like to make conversation, or do you prefer the silence?" I asked carefully. 

"Usually, I'd prefer the silence. However, I must admit that I wouldn't mind learning more about you." He admitted with a sly grin. 

"Oh. Well, what would you like to know?" I asked and took a sip from my glass. 

"What did you and Deep talk about." He asked seriously.

"He wanted to know about my past." I reminded him indirectly.

"Yes. You already told me that. What else?" He asked annoyed. 

"I don't think we talked about anything else if I'm honest. He wanted to know about my former supe name and we talked about that for a bit. But that's all." I said and thought hard. Was there anything I was forgetting?

"And did he make you uncomfortable?" He asked very seriously. 

"It felt very out of place but not in an uncomfortable way. It's just that I think earlier today he acted very familiar with me." I said and picked at my food. 

"Did you like it?" He asked and grimmaced. 

"Excuse me?" I asked half choking on my water. "Did I like what? What are you talking about?" I asked completly bewildered.

"That fishstick's attention. His perverted gaze on you." He said bitterly, his lips pressed into a  line.

"I'm sorry Homelander, sir, but I don't understand what you're saying." I said confused.

"Doesn't matter." He said and got up. 

I watched him walk out, still not understanding what he meant by all that. I had heard the news about the deep. Had sided with Starlight and had tried to keep my distance. But it didn't seem like he was still that bad. I guess I should be mindful and not judge anyone too quickly. 

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