chapter 48

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His hand was warm, and the smile he flashed me was welcoming.
As I stood from the couch, I held eyecontact with Homelander. It took everything not to get lost in those brillian blue eyes of his.

"You'll look amazing by my side." He said, and I almost fainted.

"By your side?" I asked, trying to keep my breathing steady.

"Of course. You'll come with me to events, now that you'll have your own costume it's gonna be a lot easier not to lose you in crowds." Homelander explained with a smirk.

"Ah yes. I hadn't thought of that." I said and chuckled. "Do you want me to get someone for your room?" I asked as I looked around.

"I guess that would be better." Homelander said and put his hands on his hips, looking at the destruction around us.

"Would you like to stay in my apartment for the time being?" I asked with a small smile.

"I'd like that." He said and grinned. Together, we walked to my apartment, and I also sent a message to service, informing them of the state Homelander's apartment was in.

"Thank you." Homelander said quietly as we got closer to my apartment.

"Don't worry about it." I said and smiled at him brightly. That was until I saw that my apartment was still doorless.
I looked at the time on my tablet and groaned. "YeAh. We'll fIx It fIrSt thInG ToMorrOw." I mocked the repair guy who was nowhere to be seen. "Stupid asshole." I muttered and sent another message to service, informing them about my lack of door.
"You'd think a company like Vought would have things done a bit faster." I said angrily and stepped into my apartment.

"Feels a lot more open now." Homelander smirked.

"Oh. Ha ha ha. Yeah, I thought I'd try something new. Feels a lot more ventilated, too." I answered sarcastically.

"Your next appointment is a team meeting, happening in an hour and a half." I said and sat down next to him.

"Well..." he said and leaned back on my couch. "What do you suggest we do?" He asked and huffed.

"I usually just relax with some music since it's never that much time anyway." I said and let myself fall back against the couch as well.

"Well. What kind of music do you enjoy?" He asked and put his feet on my table.

"Whatever I'm in the mood for. Sometimes records, though I don't have a lot of em. Or whatever's in my generated mix." I explained.

"Records? I thought you're younger than me." He laughed.

"I am. But what's wrong with liking the  older... stuff? A classic is a classic." I said, and put on some Buddy Holly.

"Oh god. How old do you think I am?" He yelled playfully as the music began playing.

"Oh, sorryy are you more of a scorpions guy?" I asked teasingly.

"You know. It's fine. Tease all you want y/n. I don't care." He said and clenched his jaw.

"Au contraire. I think you do care. So tell me, what music do you like?" I asked and pulled out more records. "Or would you prefer we listen to something more modern?" I asked, gesturing towards the TV.

"Lemme see what you got there." He said and lightly pushed me aside. He picked up the records and placed them on the table.
"You really got a bit of a mix. Interesting." He said as he rummaged through the different vinyls. Then he stopped.

"Find something you like?" I asked and peaked over his shoulder. "Tschaikowsky..." I said slowly.

"What's wrong with that?" He asked, annoyed.

"Nothing! I... I love his work." I said softly.

"What a sweet coincidence. So do I." Homelander said with a soft smile.

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