chapter 53

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Satisfied, I started to head back to the part of the tower I was more familiar with.
Just then, I got a notification on my tablet, *new appointment* it read. I clicked on it and was taken to the calendar app.
*Dinner with Stilwell*

"Dinner with Stilwell?? And it's set for today! Oh god, I need to get going. That stupid meeting took way too much of my time!" I cursed to myself and powerwalked to my apartment.
As I rounded the corner, I almost ran into the short guy from before as he was fixing my door.
"Oh, you're already on it! Thank you." I said, "Am I able to go in and grab some things?" I asked, and he looked at me with an akward flat smile.

"I'm sorry. I like blocked the entrance, so no dirt and stuff would get in. It would take a lot more time to undo all that...." he admitted, and I sighed.

"I understand. Thank you. Maybe you could notify me once you're done." I said and smiled kindly at him, to which he nodded.

I was thinking about what to do next, when I got another notification.
"My apartment." From Homelander.

"On my way." I replied and headed over.

I knocked, and he opened the door.
"You are getting a lot faster, y/n." He said and smiled.

"I do my best, sir." I answered and smiled back at him. I expected the mess from earlier. But the apartment was clean.

"Soo, what was your meeting about?" He asked with a cheeky grin, bringing me back to the moment.

"Oh. I'm surprised you ask. You seemed to know when I left, I assumed you'd have been informed." I said and grinned.

"Ah, come on, y/n. I wanna hear what you got to say about it." He said and sat down.

"They want me as head marketing manager." I said, and his lips flattened. "Because 'I have so much unused potential' is what Ashley says." I snorted  and sighed. "But I already have a job, I told them that, I am very happy to be your PA." I added with a contempt little smile.

"I'm glad you say that." He said, "I hope when you sit across Madelyn, you won't forget what you want." He added nonchalantly.

"Madelyn?" I asked, confused.

"Ah. Yes, Madelyn Stilwell." He elaborated. "I'm sure you've already seen that we are invited to dinner." He said but didn't look up at me.

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