chapter 74

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The shop owner returned to us with two cups. Both steaming and smelling of chocolatey heaven.
"That's so sweet of you, John." I sighed and smiled.

"You're very welcome." He replied, content.

The chocolate was nice and warm, very sweet but probably the best one I've ever had.

"You're amazing." I said, and he laughed.

"I know." He chuckled. "But you can keep saying it." He added with a sly grin.

We talked and enjoyed each others company until we both agreed it was time to go back to the tower.

Once back, we stayed in his apartment and went to bed.

*The next morning brought to you by vought*

I pushed myself out of the bed and decided to take a shower. The cool water fell onto my skin, and the noise was relaxing. Then the door opened and in stepped John. I could hear his heavy footsteps as he made his way to the shower.
He tapped on the glass, and I turned off the water.
I wiped a smily into the fog and smiled at him, then I opened the door and stuck my head out.
"Can I help you?" I asked happily.

John licked his teeth. "You take an awful lot of time in the shower. I really wanted to give you your time. But it's getting late y/n." He said with a dark grin.

"Sorry. I'll be out in a minute." I replied, but John held up his hand.

"It's too late for that. I'll just have to join you." He huffed and got undressed.

I opened the door for him, and he joined me in the roomy shower.
John turned on the water and looked me up and down while the droplets rained down on us.

"You're gorgeous." He breathed, and I felt myself shudder.

"You're like one of those statues. Absolute immaculate." I breathed out heavily as I starred at his naked body.

"You know. Since I'm not a statue, you're allowed to touch." He grinned and put one hand against the wall behind my head.

"You're driving me crazy and you know it." I sighed.
John pushed his body against mine.
Making out. Too soon, we had to stop as the air was thickening with the heat.

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