chapter 11

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Days had passed, and I knew that the call from Ashley would never come.
So I moved on.
I sent a dozen emails and made more phone calls. None of them promising.

But then. 11 days later, I got a call.

"Y/L/N." It was Ashley.

"Hearing." I answered.

"The car is already at your address. We will discuss the alterations to your contract as soon as you arrive." She said.

"That sounds like I don't have to choose." I said stern.

"You can either get in the car or be jobless. That is yours to choose." She said, annoyed.

I didn't say anything and hung up. I grabbed a jacket and headed to the car.

It didn't take long before I sat in Ashley's office one again, reading over the contract.

"This isn't much better." I sighed.
"Why did you even bother to get me chauffered here?" I asked, impatient.

"I'm sorry?" Ashley asked.

"This is the same contract." I said.

"No, it's not." She answered hesitantly.

"Using different wording is not adjusting the contract." I huffed, annoyed. "If you really want me to work here. This contract needs to be adjusted." I stated plainly.
"And you obviously want me to work here because why else go through all this trouble." I added and leaned in my seat.

"I will talk to my supervisor. Please stay here." She said and rushed out of the room.

Not long after, a man in a suit escorted me to a different part of the tower.
"You may go in." He said after knocking on the door that we stopped at.

I did as I was told and stood in a large office. In it sat none other than Mr. Edgar.

"Y/L/N." He said, and it sounded like a threat. "Have a seat." He said, which also sounded more like an order.

"Good day, Mr. Edgar." I said before sitting down.

"You seem to have a problem with the contract that was presented to you." He stated.

"Yes." I answered quickly.

"And the alterations are not to your liking either?" He asked with a filthy grin.

"Not at all." I said calm but quickly.

"What a pity. Though I admire your courage." He said, his grin never leaving.

I didn't dare say anything.

"Here is a different version of that contract. The last one, I am willing to offer you." He stated slowly and threatening.
"You can read it. You can make notes. But it won't be altered. Know that not many people know that this contract even exists. But I can appreciate your input." He said, and it was not a compliment.

He handed me the paperwork, and I took my leave.

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