chapter 61

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My phone buzzed just as the elevator doors opened.
I was about to look down but saw Ashley's eyes widening before me.

"Look at you!" She said loudly and with exaggerated facial movement.
"Let's get going." She added and turned around.

"I'm sorry. Did I miss anything?" I asked, confused, and opened my phone calendar.
An entry marked as "new" popped up.
'Interview!' No detail, no nothing.

Homelander and I followed closely behind her as she navigated the halls.
"Thankfully, your suit fits. It would not have been good if that hadn't worked out. I mean, we would have to cancel the interview! And what would that do to your image!" She gasped.

"Why's that? I'm just an assistant." I stated, confusion growing.

"Not just any assistant! Homelander's PA! The interview is gonna be outside! Right after Homelander saves the day." She explained.
"Now go!" She yelled as she threw open the doors, revealing a little makeup crew.
Ashley hurried off while Homelander stayed beside me. Watching the crew put makeup on me.
He watched closely as the people touched my face and hair. Concentrating on every move they made.

Once done, he nodded approvingly, and I stood from the chair and looked into one of the full body mirrors.
I smiled and touched my hair. Rock solid.
"That's not going anywhere!" I laughed.

"Good, because it's gonna get windy in a second." Homelander replied.

My smile dropped. "Flying? In this outfit! I'll freeze!" I protested.

"Nonesense!" He chuckled and walked to a nearby window. "Come here."

I obeyed and went up to him. His arm went around my waist, and I held onto him.

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