chapter 46

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"I mean no harm, sir. No harm at all." I repeated. "How about we sit down for a bit." I suggested and looked around.
Homelander nodded, and I guided him to the torn up sofa. I got him a glass of water before I sat down next to him.

"Thank you." He said quietly and held the glass in his hands.

"Do you wanna talk?" I asked carefully, but he continued staring at nothing.
"You know, talking about things that upset me has almost always made me feel better about them. Because if we voice our concerns, maybe that changes something." I said softly, and his eyes slowly focused on me.

"You're not like the others." He said like a little boy. His eyes glossed over by tears, but none threatened to spill.
"You had me on my knees." He exhaled, "that's never happened before. Not since my childhood." He said, and then one single tear did fall from his left eye.
"How can you be more powerful than I am?" He asked, and his lips quivered.

"I have no idea. But I know that just because my one superpower can put you into a freeze. Doesn't mean I'm more powerful. You are the Homelander. Americas Golden boy, so to speak, you are like a god. So many powers combined in one you. I could never." I said with admiration.

"But what is the point if you can just yell at me and I stop functioning." He said and sighed.

"You're not a machine, Homelander. You are a living, being. Even God's have their flaws and vulnerabilities. It's nothing to be ashamed of. Instead, you should learn from this." I said and put my hand on top of his.
He looked down to our hands as he stared intently. I wondered if this was a mistake. Would he see this gesture as an insult or the comforting gesture I had intended.

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