chapter 14

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On my way to and from my apartment, there were no more The Deep interactions. I was glad but didn't know why.

I knocked on Starlight's door and waited patiently. When she opened her door, I saw that she had somehow gotten her hands on a mannequin and fabric.

"Wow. You get going fast!" I said and smiled.

The rest of the day, we came up with different designs. Starlight showed me that each of the seven could mark a PA as occupied. So that the particular PA would not be bothered and could concentrate on the task at hand.

We came up with a couple of good designs to choose from, and Starlight decided that I had helped enough.
"I appreciate the input y/n. I think I can handle the rest, thank you!" She said and hugged me before I left.

I stepped out and walked through the halls. Waiting for my next task. And soon enough, there it was.
A text from A-train popped up.
"We need to talk."

So totally not ominous at all, I thought but replied simply with, "On my way."

I walked down the corridor and met him as he paced down the hall.
"There you are! Come in!" He demanded and of course I followed.

"Alright. You got tabs on everyone, right?" He asked and the bells started to slowly ring.

"All of the seven." I reminded.

"Good. Then you know my eating habits?" He asked and I nodded. "Well what are they? According to your little thing?" He asked and waved his hand at my ipad.

I turned it around and told him what he wanted to know. "You like eating junk food and other unhealthy stuff. Which You're prohibited to consume, due to your current health." I stated and he grunted.

"Fuckers." He said angrily.

"There's a way for you to enjoy the flavor but not anger the medical staff or risk worsening your health." I said and turned my ipad back around.

"I've tried diets." He said annoyed and rolled his eyes.

"And did it work?" I asked and he huffed.

"I'm A-Train. I can eat whatever I want to." He said angrily.

"Of course." I said plainly and accepted that he doesn't actually want any help.  "Is that all?" I asked and waited patiently.

"Yeah. Whatever." He said and shushed me away, like some sort of animal or small annoying kid.

I left but heard him mumble some shit about me. Damn asshole. I was about to turn back around and give that coward a piece of my mind, but my phone dinged.

"Come to my Apartment." My heart beat faster, it was from Deep.

"Coming." I wrote and my phone dinged again.

"I bet." He wrote. What a weird thing to reply, I thought but brushed it off.

I arrived at his door and knocked. He opened it not even a second later, had he been waiting for me?

"You're fast." He smiled and ruffled through his hair.

"I take my job very seriously." I said, teasing at his message.

"Well, I had hoped, we could chill for a bit. I would like to get to know you better, Y/N." He said and smiled while walking into his apartment backwards.

"Didn't we talk about this before?" I asked and he smiled sheepishly.

"Oh come on Y/N. Please." He pleaded and I felt myself cave in at his request.

"Fine. But not too long. And don't mark me as occupied. If someone else needs my assistance I'll have to go." I said and he nodded.

We walked over to a couch, next to the big water tank, he had shown me the last time I was here. We sat on the same couch, but I made sure that we had enough space between eachother.

"So. What do you want to know? You should have all of my information. At least I thought so." I asked.

"Yeah, we got all that normal stuff. But I want to really get to know you. There was a mention of a crime fighting past." He said intruiged. "I wanna know more about that." He said. He looked like a kid, waiting for storytime. It was kind of sweet.

"Alright." I said and started to tell The Deep my backstory.

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