chapter 75

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"I'm gonna get some fresh air." I said as I pulled away.

John frowned, but let me leave the shower after I threatened to faint.

I continued getting ready and noticed the lack of appointments in my calendar. Not one interview was scheduled for the entire day.

John popped up behind me, placing his chin on my shoulder. "What's wrong?" He asked.

"Nothing. I mean... you don't have any meetings or interviews or... anything, really. I didn't know you had any days off." I said.

"Occasionally." He sighed and sat down next to me on the couch.

"Then what's the occasion?" I asked.

"You ask too many questions." He said and narrowed his eyes.

"Oh. Sorry." I said slightly confused but then John relaxed and chuckled.

"You'll find out soon enough. It's a surprise." He added.

I wanted to ask more, but knew I should just leave it at that, so I nodded.

"How about we take a walk. Just a little around the tower?" John aksed and gave me his arm to hang onto.

"Because these halls are so very beautiful? Sure, why not." I teased but took his arm and he rolled his eyes.

We strolled down the halls, John kept his head high as I looked all around for something that I had not yet seen. There was not one new thing in that bland hall, that I had not already taken note of on one of the many days I had walked down here.

"So....what do you think about this..... ugly ass Wallpaper?" I asked him quietly.

He looked down and snorted, "Well.... it is ugly. You're right. Got any ideas how to re-do that?" He asked and chuckled.

"Anything that doesn't scream 'kill me in coorporate' would do." I said.

John laughed and tightend his grip on my arm. "You know, I respect that you say what's on your mind."

"Thank you. Altough I think that was one of the first things you told me." I said.

"I think the first thing was more like, 'Go get me some hot chocolate'." He said, and of course that was correct, but whatever.

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