chapter 47

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I slowly retracted my hand, Homelanders gaze never faltered, still staring down where my hand had been.

"You're not like the others." He repeated softly.

"I guess not." I replied with a small smile.

"Why are you still willing to stay by my side? Come after me after I ripped your door from its hinges? You said you were scared." He asked, his eyes knitted into confusion as he raised his head and looked me in the face.

"I'm not sure. Maybe I don't wanna accept that that's all Homelander is." I said, and his mouth popped open to say something, but he closed it before saying anything. "You're not the monster you think you are. I refuse to believe that." I said and fought the urge to hold his hand again.

"But why? There's nothing for you to gain." He said harshly as his eyes hardened.

"Nothing to gain? This job is the most rewarding I've ever had, and I'm not talking about the pay. I get to do what I'm good at." I said proudly. The words wouldn't stop coming, and as the words slipped from my mouth, I wished that someone would rip my tongue out.
"I get to be around you. What more could I ever want."
I realized what I had said, my cheeks burned, and my eyes felt as if they'd pop out.

"What?" Homelander asked. He clenched his jaw.

"Because you're such a great Hero. Because it's such an honor to be your PA!" I said, trying to cover up what had slipped.


It takes 4 seconds for silence to become awkward.

"Are you feeling better yet, sir?" I blurted out without looking at him.

He stood from the couch and struck a pose. "Yes. Actually." He said and stretched. "You're doing your job very well, y/n." He said and extended his gloved hand to me.

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