chapter 31

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Homelander huffed and mumbled to himself while he worked. The papers were trown about the table in utter chaos.
I observed him quietly without staring too much at him. Not wanting to irritate him.

"Come here for a sec." He said, and I promptly pushed myself off the wall.
"Does this look right to you?" He asked.

In front of him were numerous newspaper clippings and posters of him and the other members of the seven.
He had arranged them in some sort of system. However, I did not understand it at all.
"It looks odd. But then again, I'm not sure what I'm looking at." I said truthfully, and he groaned.

"This, y/n. Is all and everything relating to the seven. In chronological order, might I add." He said and sighed.

"Oh. If you sorted it, it must be "looking right." I said and took a closer look at his work.

"If I wanted someone to crawl up my ass I would've called Ashley over." He said and stared at me intently.

"Well, why are you sorting this in the first place, sir? That might help me understand what could be wrong with it." I explained and smiled politely.

"Okay. So this is what the public knows." He said and pointed at the things he sorted in a higher line. "And this is the rest." He said and pointed at the significantly larger accumulation of info below.

"Wow. Okay. I need a second." I said and looked at it more intently than before.
"What is this for?" I asked curiously while scimming through the info.

"PR wants a new movie." He sighed, and I looked at him with a raised brow.

"And since when is that your problem?" I asked with a small smile.

"Since they're ideas get trashier each time they come up with something. I don't want The Homelander to become some sort of neighborhood supe falling in love with some dimwit barista." He explained and huffed.

That sounded odly specific and cliché. "Got it. So this is for timeline purposes and what to reveal or go for." I said, and he nodded.

"You catch on quickly." He noted.

I took a picture of his timeline, and he stood up. "What do you think you're doing!" He said aggressively.

"I didn't want to mess up your timeline. I'm gonna use a digital one. That way, we can move stuff and take notes." I explained. "I understand that this information before me is not for publication, sir. I signed a contract, and I know my limits." I added urgently.

Homelander waited a second, staring at me intently. "Go ahead then." He said and waved his hand.

"May I?" I asked and gestured to the seat next to him. He simply nodded, and I sat down, laying the tablet in front of us.

We moved the clippings and talked about potential reveals and directions PR could use. I made several different saves and noted our ideas, marking Homelanders in red and mine in blue so as not to confuse anything.

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