chapter 44

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Back in my apartment, I got ready for bed, having had enough for one day.
Of course, the paranoia grew with every sound that howled through the hole.
Eventually, I dozed off, but it wasn't real sleep, more like eye rest.
When my alarm went off, I felt like hell. I got ready for the day and hoped the tiredness would fade throughout the day.
Without any message from Homelander, I decided to go to the shop down the street and get breakfast for him and myself.

"Good morning." It was the barista again.

"Hi. Anything to wake up properly and one piping of chocolate. Also, two pains au chocolat, please." I said without much emotion, being too tired to put up with small talk.

"Commin' right up." He said with a smile. "You know." He started while preparing my order. "I know you just wanna do your job and all, but maybe we could hang out sometime." He said pushingly.

"I told you no before, didn't I?" I asked, annoyed.

"Well, yeah. But-." I cut him off imideatly.

"No means no. I really don't wanna have to change shops because you don't understand the meaning of a basic word. If you don't stop this shit we'll have a problem, meaning your manager will hear about this. Understood." I said, annoyed.

He looked at me like a deer in headlights. His mouth agape and eyes wide open. "Did you understand that?" I asked a bit louder.

"Ya. Here's your order." He said with a frown. I paid and left.

While I rode the elevator, my phone dinged. It was Ashley.
"Office. NOW." I hurried over to her office and knocked.

"Get in!" She yelled.
I opened the door and was met with the sight of her, twirling her hair with her finger. It seemed like her hair was thinning.
"What the fuck?" She asked.

"Excuse me?" I asked and set down the breakfast onto her desk.

"I don't know what you did to him, and I honestly don't need to know, but it's a problem!" She said and tugged at her hair.

"What do you mean?" I asked carefully.

"What do I mean?? WHAT DO I MEAN!?" She yelled. "Have you not seen him? Or heard him? He's tearing everything apart! He's furious!" She explained wailing.

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