chapter 36

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I finally went back to my apartment and thought about my conversation with Maeve.

It was all so confusing. When did my life become a teenage movie? I thought to myself and sighed.
Without an explanation to give myself I decided to relax a bit with some food and a movie.
The movie was good, but eventually, I had to stop and go to bed as I couldn't keep my eyes open any longer.
I snuggled into my bed and slept until my alarm went off. Violently pulling me into consciousness.
I hastily got ready and ate a bowl of cereals.

My phone buzzed, and I was greeted with a message from Homelander.

"Good morning." He sent.

Odd. I thought but replied nonetheless. "Good morning, sir."

"Your assistance is required. Come to my apartment as soon as you can." He replied.

'As soon as you can,' why was he so polite? So asking and not demanding. Maybe Maeve was right. I thought to myself and shook my head no. "That can't be." I said out loud and walked over to Homelander's apartment.
I heard talking but knocked anyway.

"Open the door." Homelander said while someone else walked over to the door. The door revealed a bunch of people in his apartment, all talking to each other. It was so much to take in, but of course, I was prepared. I breathed out and concentrated on Homelander, making eye contact with him while walking over.
"Good morning, sir." I said and smiled.

"Good morning, y/n." He replied with a similar smile. "Glad to see you could make it so soon." He added.

"Of course." I nodded politely. "What's going on here?" I asked carefully.

"Ah. Yes, straight to business. You see,  y/n I'm getting you your own hero persona." Homelander with smug grin.

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