chapter 21

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I was looking at each of the seven's files and took notes on the behaviour I had observed. After a while I felt the tiredness set in. I got ready and went to bed. 

My phone went off at 7. I felt exhausted. I must've had a nightmare, I thought and ripped myself from the warm bed. When I opened my closet, I found that there were new clothes. Professional but not too business work like. I got dressed and looked at my phone again, there were two messages in the group chat. 

"Coffee and a croissant." From Queen Maeve, A-Train and Homelander had like the message.

"One green tea and two croissants please." From Starlight but nothing from Deep. 

I went over to the Elevator and noted my order in a different tab. I was starting to understand why Ashley took it with her everywhere. I didn't want to have to go a second time to the coffee shop so I messaged Deep privatly, asking if he wanted anything. The reply came when I stepped out of the vought tower. 

"Yeah, one cinnamon bun and a coffee." 

I added it to my list and entered the shop. It wasn't too busy, and the Barrista from the day before wasn't there either, so everything went smooth and quick. I ordered and when the Barrista asked if I wanted anything else I decided to get myself something too. The order got made and I hurried back to the seven. I delivered Deep's first, since his apartment was the furthest away. I knocked and placed his order in front of the door. I proceded to do the same with the others, stopping at Homelander's door. I knocked and waited. I still felt confused by our previous interaction and wanted to talk. But he didn't answer. I could hear his breathing, I figured he didn't want to see me, so I dropped his delivery off aswell and walked back to Starlight, since she had already sent me an invitation, to join her for breakfast.

I knocked once more and opened the door even before I heard her sweet little 'come in'.

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