chapter 39

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I could feel his eyes on me the entire time. It was like he was staring me down. I looked up at him to make sure, but he didn't bother looking away.

"What about the rest?" He asked once I stepped out of my clothes.

"'re naked under there?" I asked, fighting the urge to look at his lower half.

"Maybe." He chuckled and held eye contact.

We stood in silence, staring at each other like life itself depended on it.
"Fine, whatever." He finally said and got out the measuring tape. Eyeing it suspiciously before holding it up in different ways.

"It doesn'tlook brand new. Perhaps I could put it around myself. I don'thave your strength. We wouldn't want it to rip?" I suggested trying to help him without stepping on his toes.

"Yes. Indeed. Perhaps you should do it. Wouldn't wanna hurt you." He admitted to my surprise.

I took the tape from him and put it where it had to go so he could read the numbers.
Homelander took his time, looking past the tape when he thought I wouldn't notice it.

"I've never heard of something like this before." I said and looked down to meet his eyes.

"What?" He asked, confused.

"A PA getting her own costume." I said with a smile.

"Well, you're not just someone's PA. You're mine. It's pretty self-explanatory. I'm Homelander, you know." He said with a small grin.

"Oh yes. I remember now. You are extremely special, sir." I said with a sly grin.

"Exactly." He said and nodded with a proud smile.

"Now that we're done here. May I get dressed, sir?" I asked, and he chuckled.

"Ha. What if I say no." He said challenging.

"Well. You're Homelander. My boss... I guess this is my new uniform then." I said with a hint of nervousness. Where did this bold behavior come from, I asked myself.

"You are a clever one, Y/n." He said and laughed with a smile. "But no. I don't want anyone else to see you like this. Get dressed." He demanded with a sigh.

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