chapter 33

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We sat in silence for more than 4 seconds. The awkward tension was increasingly getting worse.
And him finally making smalltalk didn't really help.
"Do you wanna drink something?" I asked without acknowledging his previous words.

"Yeah, sure. Just some water, please." He said, and I made my way to the kitchen.

"Tap or sparkling?" I asked him without looking back.

"Tap is just fine." He said obviously.

"So." I began as I came back with both our beverages but didn't continue.

"So?" He asked questioningly.

"It's really none of my business. I shouldn’t ask." I whispered, but he heard me.

"What is it?" He asked concerned and scooted a bit closer.

"I got some info about you. And I don't know what to do with it." I said but added quickly. "It's really none of my business. I just... It's so....I don't know." I said and trailed off.

His eyes widened, and he looked a bit scared. "What did you hear?" He asked, faking confidence.

"I don't really know how to put it." I admitted.

"Just say it?" He said, and it sounded more like a question.

"I don't want to, though." I said and cringed.

We stared at each other. His eyes wide, my mouth agape.

"Is that why you're so distant?" He asked.

"I don't know." I answered truthfully.

We sat in silence and drank our water.
"Is it bad?" Deep asked.

"I don't know....I mean...I guess not?" I said, unsure.

"I'm so confused." Deep admitted, and I nodded. "This isn't getting us anywhere." He said, and I agreed.

He wouldn't leave. Not if I didn't ask him to, and he probably wouldn't stop asking about it either.

"You're intimate with fish." I said and looked him straight in the eyes.
But I said it so quietly that all I got back from him was a confused noise.
I exhaled deeply and stared at him, speaking slowly and loudly. I refrased my sentence.
"You fuck fish." I said and it sounded so very bizarre.

He looked at me and blinked a couple of times before he answered. "Kind of." 

I stared at him blankly.

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