chapter 12

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Outside the office, the same suited man waited and escorted me back to Ashley's office.

She wasn't there. I started reading the contract and was surprised not to read the same thing for the third time.
It was actually a lot better, which wasn't hard. The two pages of why Vought is not liable for any injuries or death were still there. But the compensation was a whole lot more acceptable.

When Ashley entered, I was almost finished reading, and she sat down in front of me, waiting for my decision.

"This will do." I said and signed.

She audibly exhaled when I lowered the pen.
"Your things will be moved as soon as possible." She said and handed me a copy of the contract and the phone.
"You will be escorted to your apartment now." She added.

"Thank you." I said and gathered my things.

It was the same man from before who showed me to my apartment.
It was one floor below the seven's apartments, just like the contract said.

A plain but modern apartment, with a fireplace, open kitchen, and double sized bed.
"A lot of space for just one person."
I thought after taking everything in.

On the wooden dinner table laid a laptop and an Ipad.

"Never seen a PA get their own apartment before." I heard from behind me.
The voice was strong, just like the body it belonged to.
"How did I not hear homelander enter?" I thought.

"Good evening, sir!" I said a bit startled.

"What'd you do? To get it?" He asked sternly. He clenched his jaw and seemed pissed off.

"I read the contract and demanded changes." I said quickly.

"And they just complied??" He scoffed.

"I assure you that it was not that easy." I said, confused. "Would you rather I had not taken the offer?" I asked.

He softened and took a step closer. "I hope you're not as soft as you seem." He said, and I felt utterly confused.
Before I could say anything else, he turned around, his cape flowing behind him as he left.

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