chapter 52

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There seemed to be PR people and management but also merchandising.
"Get to it!" Ashley yelled, and the side conversations stopped.

One guy coughed and opened some tabs  on his phone that appeared on the board behind him.
"Starlight's popularity has increased dramatically. According to our data, the follower gain can be traced back to the live where the unapproved costume was revealed." He said and showed a diagram that supported his claim.

"You helped her make that costume, right y/n?" Ashley asked and smiled.

"Well, only the concept. She didn't like what you came up with." I explained, which earned some scoffs from the design department.

"Amazing! And the plot you presented with Homelander to PR for the planned movie. Unbelievable." Ashley gushed. "You have so much potential, y/n!" She said with a dirty grin. "You just have to use it. Let me help you with that."

"Can you clarify that for me, Ashley?" I asked while holding eyecontact with her.

"Head of Marketing. You'd be the one to say yes or no. Merch, costumes, movies, all of it." She said with some wild hand gestures.

"That's not in my contract." I said plainly.

"We can change that." She countered sharp.

"Have you spoken to Homelander about it?" I asked and watched the grin leave her face. "I'm sure he'd like to know what you are planning for his personal assistant." I added.

"We'll talk to him... and you think about my offer." Ashley said with a clenched jaw.

"Good. Now, if you'll excuse me. Homelander's schedule is tight." I said, got up and left.
It didn't take long for Homelander to message me.
"Coming back already?" He wrote

"So you ARE watching me. I had a feeling." I wrote back and chuckled.

I headed back to my apartment, only to discover that my door was still missing.
Remembering how Homelander said he told them not to repair it, I decided to head to service directly.
It took a while before I found someone who could assist me. Fortunately, it wasn't the guy from before.
"Hi. I'm y/n. Homelander's PA. The door to my apartment hasn't been fixed yet." I said.

"Oh.. yes. About that, Homelander said he doesn't want it fixed." The tall woman said.

"And why is he the one who gets to choose when MY door gets fixed?" I asked, annoyed.

"Good question... I don't know." She said and pressed a button. A short guy came in, and the lady told him to fix my door.

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