chapter 23

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My phone buzzed, and I was surprised to see a message from A-TRain.

"Talk." Was all it said.

I hurried over, and while I did, I kept wondering what this situation said about everything. Me hurrying over to the fastest man alive because he wanted to  talk to me. Just...uhrg but whatever. I got where I needed to be and instantly wanted to leave again. A-Train's heart was beating faster, and his steps sounded aggravated. He was upset.
I knocked on the door and he opened it quickly.

"In!" He snarled. I followed his oder, and he shut the door overly aggressive.
"Who do you think you are. Reporting to Homelander like his little servant!" He yelled.

"I didn't report. He asked, and I answered. Also, I'm a PA." I said calmly.

"If you snitch on me again, you are going to regret it!" He threatened, and my temper almost got the better of me, but I just nodded.
"Get out." He snarled again and practically shoved me out.

I walked away, not wanting to be anywhere near A-Train any longer. I noted the threat he made on his tab and patiently waited for my next task.
Homelander walked by and stopped when he saw me.

"Something wrong?" He asked and stopped to wait for my response.

"No, sir." I replied with a small smile.

"Lying to your boss." He said with raised eyebrows and made little tsktsk sounds while slowly shaking his head. Like a mother berating her child.
"Didn't think you'd be that type." He said but smiled softly.

"I don't think I'm allowed to tell you what's troubling me." I sighed but smiled.

His smile dropped, and he laughed. "I'm Homelander. I don't think there's anything that I'm not allowed to know." He said and waited for me to tell him.

"Understood." I said but wasn't sure if I should tell him. "A-Train wasn't too happy about me telling you about our previous encounter." I said, and he raised one eyebrow. "He told me to not 'report' to you anymore." I said and felt extremely awkward.

"He threatened you?" He asked, and his eyes darkened.

"So to speak. Yes." I said truthfully.

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