chapter 18

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The day was coming to an end, the messages calling for assistance got less and less. I retreated to my apartment. I read that after the late evening until the early morning, I would only be needed in emergencies. I could not yet think of anything worthy of calling an emergency that would require a member of the seven to ask their PA for assistance.
But I was sure I'd find out soon enough.

I looked around my new apartment. All my things had been transferred and put away neatly. Even if I hated the arrangement everything was in, I was happy there weren't any boxes flying around.

Since there weren't any messages coming in at the moment and it wasn't too late, I decided to redecorate my new living space.
I put on some music and tried to relax while making the apartment feel like home.
It took a while, but sometime around 10, I heard my stomach gargle. Hunger was setting in.
The apartment had a kitchen filled with all kinds of stuff, but I decided that pasta would be enough for now.

I was in the middle of cooking when I heard faint footsteps. It was like someone was walking on air. Such soft and quit steps, I was wondering if my mind was playing tricks on me.
However, when I turned around, I found that it wasn't my mind. It was Homelander. He stopped when he caught my stare.

"You have a lot of stuff." He commented with a small smile.

"...I know." I said hesitantly, kind of caught off guard by the situation.

He didn't say anything. Rather, he started looking around. Now that I had acknowledged his presence, he moved as quiet as a mouse. It was weird.

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