chapter 26

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I quickly made my way to Ashley's office and swiftly knocked on her door.
I heard two sets of heartbeats and a 'come in'.
I went inside and closed the door behind me.

"What were you thinking?" Said Homelander, "and where's Starlight?" He asked, annoyed.

"In her room. I presume." I said, and Homelander shook his head.

"Alright. Whatever." He said and looked at Ashley. "Go on!" He said overly dramatic.

"Yes. Of course, sir." She said and coughed. "Starlight's costume change wasn't permitted." She said and glanced at Homelander, who was staring at me.
"But the costume wasn't too bad, so we're letting it slide." She said.

"What Ashley forgot to mention are the consequences." Homelander said hastily. "I understand you are not at fault for Starlight's impulsive decisions. However, you should be aware that whatever you do has consequences." He said and continued his hard stare.

"Yes, sir." I said and nodded. He smiled, but it didn't reach his eyes.

"Good." He said and dismissed me.

As soon as I was out, the door my phone dinged.
"Can you come over?" From deep.

"Be there shortly," I replied.

":)" was all that came back from him.

I went over to Deep's apartment and knocked.
"Come in." He yelled.

"You know you don't have to yell, right. I have super hearing." I said with a smile as I entered.

"Oh yeah. Right." He said, obviously embarrassed. "Anyway. I wanted to ask if you'd like to join me for lunch." He said shyly.

"Thank you for asking, deep. But I'm not sure that's a good idea." I said, and he nodded. 

"Alright. Just wanted to ask." He said and smiled. 

"Maybe another time." I said and smiled back at him. "Anything else I can help you with?" I asked politley.

"Yes, actually." He said and chuckled. "I need to clean the tank." He said.

"The tank?" I repeated questioningly.

He pointed at the gigantic fishtank. "They need a clean home." He said, and it sounded stupidly cute.

"Why don't you let someone do it for you?" I asked, and he shook his head.

"They like to be treated with respect." He saif quietly. "Would you help me? I wouldn't ask if it weren't necessary." He said, and I nodded.

"Alright. You can put me as blocked. I'll help you." I said with a huff and deep tipped on his phone.

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