chapter 59

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We finished the breakfast, and Homelander smiled. "You should get ready." He said and stood from the table.

"Of course!" I said hastily, having already forgotten what I had been wearing. I hurried to my room and chose a simple and quick to put on outfit. And getting everything else in order, before I wemt back to Homelander.
"About the clothes you had me wear yesterday -" I started, but he cut me off.

"Keep them. They fit you well." He said and sighed. "On the matter of clothes. Your costume should be ready by now. Let's go get it, so you can try it on." He added.

I looked back at the table we had sat at and saw that the dirty dishes and crumbs had been removed.
We walked to a meeting room. Upon entering, I saw the cloth, poorly, covering a mannequin. Besides that, the room was empty.

"Should we wait?" I asked and turned around to face Homelander.

"For what?" He asked and passed me, walking towards the mannequin.

"I don't know..." I said, confused by my own response.

Homelander removed the cloth in one swift motion. As the cloth fell to the floor, the whole costume was revealed.
A tightly fitted one piece. Red with white details, such as a utility belt and linings.
His red. The same red as his gloves.
There were tiny, little stars embroidered, which shimmered slightly.

"That looks so cool." I said astounded.

"You like it?" He asked, and I got closer to him and the mannequin. I touched the smooth fabric and traced some of the lining.

"Yes!" I exclaimed and looked at him. "I really like it!"

"Well, would yoh try it on then?" He asked and smiled at me.

"Ah, yes. Of course!" I said excitedly.

Homelander took the suit off the mannequin and handed it to me.
"It's padded. And also comes with click in underwear." He said and coughed.
"Like the other Seven's suits."

"Click in underwear?" I said and tried not to laugh.

"It's... not that weird. So stop laughing." He said obviously embarrassed.

"Yeah. No, obviously not. Not weird. No." I said and inspected said system.
"Well, then would you... at least turn around?" I asked, and his cheeks looked a bit more rosy.

"Yes." He sucked in and turned around, his hands behind his back.

It was strange. Leaving even the underwear on the floor. Standing naked behind Homelander. A very, very, very awkward situation. I quickly put on the suit and covered my underwear with the rest of my clothes.
"Okay. You can look." I said and tried to strike a confident pose.

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