chapter 64

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Homelander and I talked for a little longer, staying in the room we had landed in.

"How about we go somewhere more comfortable? Maybe my apartment? Or yours?" He suggested, and I felt my heart flutter. "Probably yours. It's more personal and much more comfortable." He added.

"Thank you, I like my apartment too." I laughed. "I'd love to spend more time with you." I said and started to walk to my apartment with Homelander following me.

"So you're not sick of me yet?" He asked and sounded like he was only half joking.

"Nope." I answered simply and smiled.

We reached my apartment and I opened the door. "Make yourself at home." I said and motioned for him to get in.
He hopped on my couch and watched me get two glasses. "What do you want?" I asked without turning to him.

"Whatever you're having." He said happily.
I set down the glasses and joined him on the couch.

"You were good with that guy today." He said as he picked up the glass.

"Huh? What do you mean?" I asked and also picked up my glass.

"Consoling. Asking for his statement." He explained. "That's good. Might be able to catch more wrongdoers that way." Homelander added.

"Oh. Thank you. I was worried it came across more like an interegation. I'm glad it didn't." I admitted and smiled.

We drank and talked until there was no more to drink. We sat close and actually got to know each other.

"They want me to do this stupid interview thing. 'Homelander up close and personal' or some shit." He said, and I raised an eyebrow. "We'll go to this random fake house with fake pictures and fake stories. All made up to make me more approachable and even more likely... or whatever." He ranted, annoyed.

"That sounds really annoying. Aren't you like The Homelander? Isn't your whole thing being great and nice and wow?" I questioned, and he laughed.

"I guess! But now that's not enough anymore. Apparently, people don't want the strong and mighty superhero. They want soft and relatable. Uhrg." Homelander groaned.

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