chapter 34

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We just stared at each other.

"It's more like -" I interrupted him before anymore words could leave him.

"I don't want to know." I insisted.
He nodded and stayed quiet.
"Please leave." I said, and he seemed a bit surprised but did as I asked.

I felt uncomfortable. Even after he had left, I still felt really weird. I tried to distract myself and texted Starlight.

"Hey. Can we hang out?" I asked, to which she gave a thumbs up.

I made my way to her apartment and waited for her to open the door.

"Hey y/n." She said with a smile and hugged me.

"Hey, Starlight." I sighed and hugged her back.

We went to her table where she had set up two mugs.
"Thank you." I said and sipped the tea she had, so kindly prepared for us.
She only gave a smile in return, and I sighed.

"What's wrong?" She asked, "Is it homelander?"

"No. Not at all. I like working with him." I responded with a soft smile.

"Really? I can't stand him." She said, and I sensed that there was more to it than she wanted to reveal yet.

"It's deep." I said, and her face fell.

"What'd he do!" She asked, and her eyes glowed.

"Nothin serious. Like not what he did to you or any other ...people." I insisted.
She gave me a confused look as her eyes went back to normal.
"I started to like him. I know he's not... you know. He's awful. What he did to y'all is awful. ..but I enjoyed his company." I explained, and when I looked at Starlight, her face was contorted. Too many emotions to count where staring back at me in a grimace, I can't begin to describe.

"Why would you come to me with this?" She asked.

I didn't have any words. Her question caught me off guard, and I immediately felt more than sorry. "Starlight. I'm sorry. I didn't consider -" She cut me off.

"Leave." Was all she said, and I practically fled her apartment.

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