chapter 19

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"What are you cooking." He asked but didn't stop snooping around my home.

"Pasta. Would you like to stay for dinner, sir?" I asked politely.

This caught his attention, and he came over to me, carefully peeping over my shoulder. "Is that enough?" He asked and looked me in the eyes.

"Probably." I said. He was so close, it was surreal.

"Then, sure. Why not." He said nonchalantly. "Good chance to get to know each other. He added and stepped back.

I set the table with a smile and continued cooking. "What do you want to drink, sir?" I asked as I opened and closed cabinets, trying to find where the glasses were hidden.

"To your left." Homelander said quickly.
I looked over to him and then back to the cabinets. I opened the one to my left and there were the glasses.

"How'd you know that?" I asked with a dumb smile.

"Magic." He mused. Then he shook his head. "I have xray-vision." He admitted.

"Ah. Cool, I didn't know that." I said and put two glasses on the table.

"Looks like your little tab doesn't know everything." He said proudly.

"Maybe." I said and smiled at him kindly, then I put our food on the table.

I poured myself a glass of water and asked again. "What would you like to drink?"

"Water is just fine. Thank you." He said.

"Wait. You can't turn water to wine, can you? Like that's not one of your secret powers, is it." I asked jokingly.

"No. I'm not jesus, y/n." He said and chuckled.

"Alright. Well, I hope it doesn't taste too bad." I said with another shy smile.

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