chapter 45

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I looked at her completely caught off guard. I had known that it must've been a shock for him, but surely he's had his share of worthy opponents, right?
I opened my mouth, but Ashley yelled.
"I don't wanna know! Just sort this shit out before the press gets a wind of this!" She pushed me out and slammed her door shut.

With that, I made my way searching for and then following the destruction.
What started with lasered walls and torn wallpaper evolved into broken paintings.
As I got closer to his apartment, I heard heavy breathing and faint talking.

I carefully knocked on his door. "Mr. Homelander, Sir?"
No response. "Are you alright? Can I come in?" I asked.
I waited for an answer, but he didn't respond, at least not me.
"I'll come in now." I said loudly and opened the door.

He stood in front of a mirror and seemed to talk to his reflection. I crept further into the room. It was completely thrashed.
"Homelander?" I asked again, and he turned his head to me.

"You! What are you doing here!" He asked loudly and stormed toward me.

Instead of backing away, I closed the distance between us. "I came to check on you." I said, and he stopped in his tracks. "Make sure you're okay." I said and walked closer.

"Make sure I'm okay? I'm Homelander!" He yelled and laughed.

"And? Just because you're Homelander doesn't mean you're always okay. Even supes like you can feel down or whatever!" I explained, confused.

"Pff. Can you even hear yourself?" He asked and avoided eyecontact.

"Please. Look around you. All this destruction. Why? What made you lose control like this?" I asked, concerned.

"Watch it! I don't lose control." He said angrily. His lips thining into a line again.

"Well, I'd say this isn't normal Homelander behavior. Whatever it is..." I stopped takling when his head dipped back, and he laughed.
"You wanna help me through it? Is that it? Be my little supportive PA or even my companion? A friend? YOU THINK I NEED YOU?" He yelled, and his eyes started to glow again.

"You're scaring me! Stop it!" I yelled and backed away.

"YOU DON'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO!" He screamed and tried to laser me.
I let out a scream similar to the one that had him on his knees the night before.

"I'M NOT YOUR ENEMY!" I said as he stopped his laser.
He breathed hard as he stared me down.

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