chapter 16

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My phone buzzed again and I finnaly looked down at it to see two new messages.

"Come over."


They were both from Homelander and I knew I had no time to waste. I ran to his apartment and heard him pacing behind the doors. I knocked and he said a loud and annoyed 'finnaly'. I opened the door and quickly stepped inside, closing it behind me and walking up to him.

"What took you so long?" He asked impatiently.

"The Deep and I had talked a while. I'm sorry, sir." I admitted and he seemed a bit surprised at my words.

"He didn't mark you." He said plainly.

"Because talking isn't actually assisting. I wanted to be available if anyone else needed my attention." I explained truthfully.

"Well. I need your attention." He said and I'm not sure that is what he wanted it to sound like but, it was kind of cute.

"Here I am. How may I be of service to you, sir." I asked and he held his head high again.

He smiled smugly and I could feel the pride radiating off of him. "What did A-Train want with you?" He asked and his eyes darkened.

"Sir?" I asked not quite sure what he wanted to hear. "He asked what his profile said about him. The one I have, about preferences and habits." I explained quickly.

"Did you tell him." He asked.

"Of course. He was not pleased." I added.

"Anything else?" He asked and turned around to face his window.

"I suggested a diet. He didn't like that either." I said truthfully.

"He's an idiot." Homelander huffed. "Come here." He demanded and I quickly walked over to him. "They're all idiots." He sighed as he looked over the pulsing city. "Every last one of them." He said bitterly. I decided to not speak but keep looking over the city with him.

His heart beat a bit quicker but his breathing was normal. Then he exhaled deeply. "What did you chit chat about with Deep?" He asked and looked down on me.

"He wanted to get to know me better." I said plainly and slowly turned to face him, instead of looking out the window. "He didn't read my file, so I had to fill him in on my backround." I said with a small smile.

"He's also an idiot." He scoffed. "I can't believe he was set on getting you this Position without knowing anything about you." He sighed and rubbed the bridge of his nose. "I bet he wants to fuck you." Homelander said annoyed and chuckled.

"Excuse me." I said caught of guard.

"You don't think he wants to be friends, do you?" He asked and cocked one eyebrow. I starred back at him and he shook his head. "I thought you were smarter than that." He said and looked back out of his window. "Leave." He said plainly and I obeyed.

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