chapter 27

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"How do we start?" I asked, not having cleaned anything like a fishtank before.

"First, we need to transfer them into a different habitat. Since I was only allowed one gigantic fishtank, the buckets and the tub will have to do." He said and revealed different sized buckets filled with water.

"Alright. Do you want to handle them alone?" I asked but got closer to the tank.

"If you promise to be careful, we can do sort of a chain. I get them out, and you put them in buckets." He explained.

"Yeah, sure. I'll be careful, I promise." I said and smiled.

"Good. You also have to be fast. Although they know the procedure, they tend to panic." He said and handed me the first fish. "Remember. He's suffocating." He said with a small dumb grin.

My smile fell as the fish tried to flop out of my grasp while fighting to breathe. I tried to stay calm, but with the fish not really cooperating, it was rather difficult to do so.
He flopped into the bucket, and I looked over to deep. He looked at me and nodded.

"Good. But maybe try to match the fish' and the buckts size a bit better." He said, and I looked at the relatively small fish in the large bucket.

"Can I put another one in with him?" I asked and came closer to the tank again.

Deep looked into the tank and grabbed another fish. "You can put Eddie in. They are sort of friends, I think." He said, and I quickly united the fish. They didn't  seem to mind each others company.
"What's the first one's name?" I asked and got ready to transport the next fish.

"That was Peeta. This one's Josy." He said and handed me the big fish.

This continued for a while until there was only one animal left. Not a fish but an Octopus.
I got ready, but Deep walked past me.
"Oh. I'll handle Ambrosia. She can be a bit touchy." He said, and the octopus seemed to say something to him.
"I didn't mean it like that." He said and held a small conversation with Ambrosia, who seemed deeply upset at his comment.

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