chapter 79

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"Ready?" He asked and smiled.

"Ready." I said and nodded.

We opened the doors and were greeted by the Seven and Reporters.

"There they are!" Vough News reporter Cameron Coleman yelled out way too happy.

I smiled and waved while Homelander raised our hands in the air, fingers intertwined, symbolizing our union.

"Ho oh oh, look at that!" Coleman yelled and motioned for the camera to get closer to us. "If it isn't America's favorite hero! Homelander! And who is at his side? Well, Red Canary, of course. Who else could it be!" He said loudly and overly intusiastic.

"Hello, Cameron. How about we sit down first." Homelander motioned.

Without a word, he moved to the side and let the seven standing at their fancy table. The place on Homelander's left remains free since translucents dissappearance.
Homelander guided me towards the table. Did he want me to sit on his lap?? Surely not. Was I actually getting my own chair? Sick.
He kept guiding me towards his chair.

"We normally wouldn't announce a new member in such a promotional way. But, this isn't normally!" Homelander said happily.
Then he looked at me, straighened up even more, and reached out his hand to me.
"The team is overjoyed to have you be an official member of the seven!" He said and smiled wholeheartedly.

I looked at him, faking confusion and shock. "I'm part of the seven." I said soft but clear.

"As of today. Welcome, Red Canary!" He said and laughed.

The whole team clapped. I took his hand and shook it.

"Smile for the camera!" Someone yelled from the sidelines, and I obeyed.

After the flashes wore off and the camera left the room, Homelander let go of my hand and sat down. Following his lead, everyone else sat down as well.

"Now. Back to business!" Homelander said and motioned for someone to come closer. It was Ashley clutching her tablet as she came closer.
Ashley presented us with some figures along with statistics.

That was the whole meeting.

Hey Author here. Thank y'all for the Support. I really mean it y'all are amazing! Reading, voting and even commenting!
However, if you'd be interested, there's another Story I worked really hard on. Maybe you could read it and tell me your thoughts.
"The wolves in sheep's clothing"
I would love to hear your thoughts, criticism and maybe even things you enjoyed.

Lots of Love from T

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